ZEMAX Analysis: Kidger Triplet

Lens Prescription

System/Prescription Data

File : Z:\eop601_summer2009\triplet\kidger.ZMX
Title: Kidger triplet
Date : THU MAY 28 2009


Surfaces                :                8
Stop                    :                5
System Aperture         : Entrance Pupil Diameter = 12.5
Glass Catalogs          : SCHOTT
Ray Aiming              : Off
Apodization             : Uniform, factor =   0.00000E+000
Temperature (C)         :    2.00000E+001
Pressure (ATM)          :    1.00000E+000
 Adjust Index Data To Environment  : Off
Effective Focal Length  :        49.99929 (in air at system temperature and pressure)
Effective Focal Length  :        49.99929 (in image space)
Back Focal Length       :        41.83523
Total Track             :        57.97624
Image Space F/#         :        3.999943
Paraxial Working F/#    :        3.999943
Working F/#             :        3.981897
Image Space NA          :       0.1240365
Object Space NA         :       6.25e-010
Stop Radius             :        4.919629
Paraxial Image Height   :        20.20103
Paraxial Magnification  :               0
Entrance Pupil Diameter :            12.5
Entrance Pupil Position :        11.55791
Exit Pupil Diameter     :        12.15553
Exit Pupil Position     :       -48.39145
Field Type              : Angle in degrees
Maximum Radial Field    :              22
Primary Wavelength      :       0.5875618 µm
Lens Units              :   Millimeters
Angular Magnification   :        1.028338

Fields          : 3
Field Type: Angle in degrees
#        X-Value        Y-Value         Weight
 1       0.000000       0.000000       1.000000
 2       0.000000      16.000000       1.000000
 3       0.000000      22.000000       1.000000

Vignetting Factors
#       VDX       VDY       VCX       VCY       VAN
1  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
2  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
3  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000

Wavelengths     : 3
Units: µm
#          Value         Weight
 1       0.486133       1.000000
 2       0.587562       1.000000
 3       0.656273       1.000000


Surf     Type         Radius      Thickness                Glass      Diameter          Conic   Comment
 OBJ STANDARD       Infinity       Infinity                                  0              0   
   1 STANDARD         18.609            2.5                 SK16            15              0   
   2 STANDARD        460.967          5.157                                 15              0   
   3 STANDARD        -29.934              1                   F6      11.43184              0   
   4 STANDARD         18.605          1.207                           10.23307              0   
 STO STANDARD       Infinity          4.007                           9.987647              0   
   6 STANDARD         67.594            2.5                 SK16      15.82848              0   
   7 STANDARD        -22.162       41.60524                           16.15535              0   
 IMA STANDARD       Infinity                                          40.06868              0   


Surface OBJ     : STANDARD 
Surface   1     : STANDARD 
 Aperture       : Floating Aperture
 Maximum Radius :           7.5
Surface   2     : STANDARD 
 Aperture       : Floating Aperture
 Maximum Radius :           7.5
Surface   3     : STANDARD 
Surface   4     : STANDARD 
Surface STO     : STANDARD 
Surface   6     : STANDARD 
Surface   7     : STANDARD 
Surface IMA     : STANDARD 



Surf           Edge
   1       0.982721
   2       4.545186
   3       2.268173
   4       0.489623
 STO       4.471918
   6       0.510559
   7      43.129763
 IMA       0.000000


 Semi Diameter   1      : Fixed
 Semi Diameter   2      : Fixed


System Temperature:   20.0000 Celsius
System Pressure   :    1.0000 Atmospheres
Absolute air index:    1.000272 at wavelength 0.587562 µm
Index data is relative to air at the system temperature and pressure.
Wavelengths are measured in air at the system temperature and pressure.

Surf                  Glass    Temp    Pres      0.486133    0.587562    0.656273
   0                          20.00    1.00    1.00000000  1.00000000  1.00000000
   1                   SK16   20.00    1.00    1.62755635  1.62040997  1.61727166 
   2                          20.00    1.00    1.00000000  1.00000000  1.00000000
   3                     F6   20.00    1.00    1.64908771  1.63635885  1.63108155 
   4                          20.00    1.00    1.00000000  1.00000000  1.00000000
   5                          20.00    1.00    1.00000000  1.00000000  1.00000000
   6                   SK16   20.00    1.00    1.62755635  1.62040997  1.61727166 
   7                          20.00    1.00    1.00000000  1.00000000  1.00000000
   8                          20.00    1.00    1.00000000  1.00000000  1.00000000


Surf                  Glass     TCE *10E-6
   0                            0.00000000
   1                   SK16     6.30000000 
   2                            0.00000000
   3                     F6     8.50000000 
   4                            0.00000000
   5                            0.00000000
   6                   SK16     6.30000000 
   7                            0.00000000
   8                            0.00000000


Reference Surface: 7

Surf           R11            R12            R13                 X
               R21            R22            R23                 Y
               R31            R32            R33                 Z

  1   1.0000000000   0.0000000000   0.0000000000  0.000000000E+000 
      0.0000000000   1.0000000000   0.0000000000  0.000000000E+000
      0.0000000000   0.0000000000   1.0000000000 -1.637100000E+001

  2   1.0000000000   0.0000000000   0.0000000000  0.000000000E+000 
      0.0000000000   1.0000000000   0.0000000000  0.000000000E+000
      0.0000000000   0.0000000000   1.0000000000 -1.387100000E+001

  3   1.0000000000   0.0000000000   0.0000000000  0.000000000E+000 
      0.0000000000   1.0000000000   0.0000000000  0.000000000E+000
      0.0000000000   0.0000000000   1.0000000000 -8.714000000E+000

  4   1.0000000000   0.0000000000   0.0000000000  0.000000000E+000 
      0.0000000000   1.0000000000   0.0000000000  0.000000000E+000
      0.0000000000   0.0000000000   1.0000000000 -7.714000000E+000

  5   1.0000000000   0.0000000000   0.0000000000  0.000000000E+000 
      0.0000000000   1.0000000000   0.0000000000  0.000000000E+000
      0.0000000000   0.0000000000   1.0000000000 -6.507000000E+000

  6   1.0000000000   0.0000000000   0.0000000000  0.000000000E+000 
      0.0000000000   1.0000000000   0.0000000000  0.000000000E+000
      0.0000000000   0.0000000000   1.0000000000 -2.500000000E+000

  7   1.0000000000   0.0000000000   0.0000000000  0.000000000E+000 
      0.0000000000   1.0000000000   0.0000000000  0.000000000E+000
      0.0000000000   0.0000000000   1.0000000000  0.000000000E+000

  8   1.0000000000   0.0000000000   0.0000000000  0.000000000E+000 
      0.0000000000   1.0000000000   0.0000000000  0.000000000E+000
      0.0000000000   0.0000000000   1.0000000000  4.160524000E+001


Reference Surface: 7

Surf             X              Y              Z
  1   0.0000000000   0.0000000000   2.2380000000 
  2   0.0000000000   0.0000000000 447.0960000000 
  3   0.0000000000   0.0000000000 -38.6480000000 
  4   0.0000000000   0.0000000000  10.8910000000 
  5              -              -              - 
  6   0.0000000000   0.0000000000  65.0940000000 
  7   0.0000000000   0.0000000000 -22.1620000000 
  8              -              -              - 


For centered elements with plane or spherical circular faces, exact
volumes are computed by assuming edges are squared up to the larger
of the front and back radial aperture.

For all other elements, approximate volumes are numerically integrated
to 0.1% accuracy. Zero volume means the volume cannot be accurately computed.

Single elements that are duplicated in the Lens Data Editor
for ray tracing purposes may be listed more than once yielding
incorrect total mass estimates.

                             Volume cc   Density g/cc         Mass g
Element surf   1 to   2       0.309782       3.580000       1.109020
Element surf   3 to   4       0.174760       3.760000       0.657099
Element surf   6 to   7       0.308559       3.580000       1.104642
Total Mass:                                                 2.870761


F/# calculations consider vignetting factors and ignore surface apertures.

             Wavelength:        0.486133            0.587562            0.656273    
 #                Field        Tan       Sag       Tan       Sag       Tan       Sag
 1             0.00 deg:    3.9897    3.9897    3.9819    3.9819    3.9819    3.9819
 2            16.00 deg:    4.3068    4.1177    4.3010    4.1092    4.3021    4.1091
 3            22.00 deg:    4.5613    4.2630    4.5660    4.2542    4.5715    4.2541


Object space positions are measured with respect to surface 1.
Image space positions are measured with respect to the image surface.
The index in both the object space and image space is considered.

                           Object Space         Image Space
W = 0.486133
Focal Length          :          -50.021092           50.021092
Focal Planes          :          -39.847648            0.251183
Principal Planes      :           10.173444          -49.769909
Anti-Principal Planes :          -89.868741           50.272276
Nodal Planes          :           10.173444          -49.769909
Anti-Nodal Planes     :          -89.868741           50.272276

W = 0.587562 (Primary)
Focal Length          :          -49.999292           49.999292
Focal Planes          :          -39.858278            0.229993
Principal Planes      :           10.141014          -49.769299
Anti-Principal Planes :          -89.857570           50.229285
Nodal Planes          :           10.141014          -49.769299
Anti-Nodal Planes     :          -89.857570           50.229285

W = 0.656273
Focal Length          :          -50.027261           50.027261
Focal Planes          :          -39.899757            0.259060
Principal Planes      :           10.127503          -49.768201
Anti-Principal Planes :          -89.927018           50.286321
Nodal Planes          :           10.127503          -49.768201
Anti-Nodal Planes     :          -89.927018           50.286321

Seidel Aberrations

Listing of Aberration Coefficient Data

File : Z:\eop601_summer2009\triplet\kidger.ZMX
Title: Kidger triplet
Date : THU MAY 28 2009

Wavelength                      :         0.5876 µm
Chief Ray Slope, Object Space   :         0.4040
Chief Ray Slope, Image Space    :         0.4155
Marginal Ray Slope, Object Space:         0.0000
Marginal Ray Slope, Image Space :        -0.1250
Petzval radius                  :      -113.7582
Optical Invariant               :         2.5252

Seidel Aberration Coefficients:

Surf   SPHA  S1    COMA  S2    ASTI  S3    FCUR  S4    DIST  S5    CLA (CL)    CTR (CT)
  1    0.055947    0.025502    0.011624    0.131193    0.065098   -0.013323   -0.006073
  2    0.025235   -0.073516    0.214173   -0.005296   -0.608521   -0.007056    0.020557
  3   -0.106592    0.171695   -0.276563   -0.082840    0.578917    0.019603   -0.031575
  4   -0.055010   -0.080247   -0.117062   -0.133282   -0.365196    0.017510    0.025543
STO   -0.000000   -0.000000   -0.000000   -0.000000   -0.000000   -0.000000   -0.000000
  6    0.006747    0.025133    0.093618    0.036118    0.483252   -0.004814   -0.017933
  7    0.090727   -0.072450    0.057856    0.110160   -0.134170   -0.011981    0.009568
IMA    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000
TOT    0.017055   -0.003883   -0.016353    0.056053    0.019380   -0.000062    0.000088

Seidel Aberration Coefficients in Waves:

Surf       W040        W131        W222       W220P        W311        W020        W111
  1   11.902450   21.701128    9.891638   55.820848   55.396375  -11.337563  -10.335599
  2    5.368491  -62.560036  182.255965   -2.253459 -517.835766   -6.004822   34.987657
  3  -22.676661  146.108209 -235.347798  -35.247181  492.643631   16.681236  -53.739515
  4  -11.702949  -68.287834  -99.616522  -56.709977 -310.772086   14.900659   43.473391
STO   -0.000000   -0.000000   -0.000000   -0.000000   -0.000000   -0.000000   -0.000000
  6    1.435460   21.387684   79.666620   15.367786  411.235254   -4.096819  -30.520340
  7   19.301514  -61.653392   49.233713   46.871679 -114.175261  -10.195522   16.283400
IMA    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000
TOT    3.628305   -3.304241  -13.916382   23.849697   16.492147   -0.052830    0.148994

Transverse Aberration Coefficients:

Surf       TSPH        TSCO        TTCO        TAST        TPFC        TSFC        TTFC        TDIS        TAXC        TLAC
  1    0.134250    0.061193    0.183578    0.055785    0.314807    0.342699    0.398484    0.156207    0.063939    0.029144
  2    0.062963   -0.183431   -0.550292    1.068776   -0.013215    0.521173    1.589950   -1.518333    0.035213   -0.102586
  3   -0.553277    0.891206    2.673619   -2.871070   -0.429990   -1.865525   -4.736595    3.004945   -0.203499    0.327791
  4    0.398104    0.580744    1.742231    1.694347    0.964563    1.811736    3.506084    2.642914    0.253441    0.369713
STO    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000   -0.000000   -0.000000
  6   -0.157694   -0.587392   -1.762175   -4.375930   -0.844122   -3.032087   -7.408018  -11.294171   -0.225030   -0.838211
  7    0.362901   -0.289797   -0.869392    0.462839    0.440634    0.672053    1.134892   -0.536673    0.095847   -0.076539
IMA    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000   -0.000000   -0.000000
TOT    0.068218   -0.015531   -0.046594   -0.130826    0.224208    0.158795    0.027969    0.077520    0.000497   -0.000700

Longitudinal Aberration Coefficients:

Surf       LSPH        LSCO        LTCO        LAST        LPFC        LSFC        LTFC        LDIS        LAXC        LLAC
  1    1.044007    0.475871    1.427613    0.433816    2.448124    2.665032    3.098847    1.214754   -0.497229   -0.226643
  2    0.314202   -0.915363   -2.746090    5.333451   -0.065944    2.600781    7.934232   -7.576848   -0.175722    0.511931
  3   -9.398778   15.139339   45.418016  -48.772209   -7.304436  -31.690540  -80.462749   51.046405    3.456929   -5.568344
  4   -5.762141   -8.405662  -25.216985  -24.523922  -13.961048  -26.223009  -50.746932  -38.253446    3.668293    5.351211
STO   -0.000000   -0.000000   -0.000000   -0.000000   -0.000000   -0.000000   -0.000000   -0.000000   -0.000000   -0.000000
  6   11.944019   44.490074  133.470222  331.440642   63.935297  229.655617  561.096259  855.440308  -17.044179  -63.487574
  7    2.903171   -2.318346   -6.955037    3.702660    3.525021    5.376351    9.079011   -4.293320   -0.766762    0.612303
IMA    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000
TOT    0.545739   -0.124249   -0.372747   -1.046592    1.793635    1.270339    0.223746    0.620152   -0.003973    0.005603

Wavefront Aberration Coefficient Summary:

           W040        W131        W222       W220P        W311        W020        W111
TOT      3.6283     -3.3042    -13.9164     23.8497     16.4921     -0.0528      0.1490

          W220S       W220M       W220T
TOT     16.8915      9.9333      2.9751

Ray Fans

Listing of Ray Fan Data

File : Z:\eop601_summer2009\triplet\kidger.ZMX
Title: Kidger triplet
Date : THU MAY 28 2009

Surface: Image
Units are µm.
Aberration data is measured in image plane local coordinates.
Tangential data is y aberration as a function of Py.
Sagittal data is x aberration as a function of Px.

Tangential fan, field number 1 = 0.00 deg

  Pupil       0.486133       0.587562       0.656273
 -1.000     -10.613884       2.006744       2.070375
 -0.950      -7.695053       3.122907       2.747193
 -0.900      -6.170512       3.081503       2.355453
 -0.850      -5.624333       2.267805       1.268661
 -0.800      -5.728542       0.983567      -0.221455
 -0.750      -6.226344      -0.536980      -1.889274
 -0.700      -6.918797      -2.114446      -3.562831
 -0.650      -7.654155      -3.614130      -5.113881
 -0.600      -8.319306      -4.937877      -6.449912
 -0.550      -8.832837      -6.017487      -7.507689
 -0.500      -9.139398      -6.809356      -8.248010
 -0.450      -9.205080      -7.290098      -8.651412
 -0.400      -9.013618      -7.452937      -8.714648
 -0.350      -8.563232      -7.304723      -8.447764
 -0.300      -7.863989      -6.863438      -7.871662
 -0.250      -6.935586      -6.156097      -7.016048
 -0.200      -5.805445      -5.216961      -5.917691
 -0.150      -4.507082      -4.085997      -4.618916
 -0.100      -3.078666      -2.807528      -3.166291
 -0.050      -1.561732      -1.429024      -1.609445
  0.000      -0.000000      -0.000000      -0.000000
  0.050       1.561732       1.429024       1.609445
  0.100       3.078666       2.807528       3.166291
  0.150       4.507082       4.085997       4.618916
  0.200       5.805445       5.216961       5.917691
  0.250       6.935586       6.156097       7.016048
  0.300       7.863989       6.863438       7.871662
  0.350       8.563232       7.304723       8.447764
  0.400       9.013618       7.452937       8.714648
  0.450       9.205080       7.290098       8.651412
  0.500       9.139398       6.809356       8.248010
  0.550       8.832837       6.017487       7.507689
  0.600       8.319306       4.937877       6.449912
  0.650       7.654155       3.614130       5.113881
  0.700       6.918797       2.114446       3.562831
  0.750       6.226344       0.536980       1.889274
  0.800       5.728542      -0.983567       0.221455
  0.850       5.624333      -2.267805      -1.268661
  0.900       6.170512      -3.081503      -2.355453
  0.950       7.695053      -3.122907      -2.747193
  1.000      10.613884      -2.006744      -2.070375

Sagittal fan, field number 1 = 0.00 deg

  Pupil       0.486133       0.587562       0.656273
 -1.000     -10.613884       2.006744       2.070375
 -0.950      -7.695053       3.122907       2.747193
 -0.900      -6.170512       3.081503       2.355453
 -0.850      -5.624333       2.267805       1.268661
 -0.800      -5.728542       0.983567      -0.221455
 -0.750      -6.226344      -0.536980      -1.889274
 -0.700      -6.918797      -2.114446      -3.562831
 -0.650      -7.654155      -3.614130      -5.113881
 -0.600      -8.319306      -4.937877      -6.449912
 -0.550      -8.832837      -6.017487      -7.507689
 -0.500      -9.139398      -6.809356      -8.248010
 -0.450      -9.205080      -7.290098      -8.651412
 -0.400      -9.013618      -7.452937      -8.714648
 -0.350      -8.563232      -7.304723      -8.447764
 -0.300      -7.863989      -6.863438      -7.871662
 -0.250      -6.935586      -6.156097      -7.016048
 -0.200      -5.805445      -5.216961      -5.917691
 -0.150      -4.507082      -4.085997      -4.618916
 -0.100      -3.078666      -2.807528      -3.166291
 -0.050      -1.561732      -1.429024      -1.609445
  0.000      -0.000000      -0.000000      -0.000000
  0.050       1.561732       1.429024       1.609445
  0.100       3.078666       2.807528       3.166291
  0.150       4.507082       4.085997       4.618916
  0.200       5.805445       5.216961       5.917691
  0.250       6.935586       6.156097       7.016048
  0.300       7.863989       6.863438       7.871662
  0.350       8.563232       7.304723       8.447764
  0.400       9.013618       7.452937       8.714648
  0.450       9.205080       7.290098       8.651412
  0.500       9.139398       6.809356       8.248010
  0.550       8.832837       6.017487       7.507689
  0.600       8.319306       4.937877       6.449912
  0.650       7.654155       3.614130       5.113881
  0.700       6.918797       2.114446       3.562831
  0.750       6.226344       0.536980       1.889274
  0.800       5.728542      -0.983567       0.221455
  0.850       5.624333      -2.267805      -1.268661
  0.900       6.170512      -3.081503      -2.355453
  0.950       7.695053      -3.122907      -2.747193
  1.000      10.613884      -2.006744      -2.070375

Tangential fan, field number 2 = 16.00 deg

  Pupil       0.486133       0.587562       0.656273
 -0.700     -23.056291     -19.101995     -21.676723
 -0.650     -18.854138     -15.738192     -18.364288
 -0.600     -15.562487     -13.146184     -15.772703
 -0.550     -12.971846     -11.133919     -13.716539
 -0.500     -10.913306      -9.547724     -12.047884
 -0.450      -9.251228      -8.265343     -10.649528
 -0.400      -7.877322      -7.190322      -9.429457
 -0.350      -6.705825      -6.247426      -8.316370
 -0.300      -5.669528      -5.378879      -7.256000
 -0.250      -4.716483      -4.541240      -6.208057
 -0.200      -3.807232      -3.702784      -5.143666
 -0.150      -2.912455      -2.841279      -4.043195
 -0.100      -2.010951      -1.942071      -2.894383
 -0.050      -1.087864      -0.996418      -1.690711
  0.000      -0.133118      -0.000000      -0.429944
  0.050       0.860017       1.048425       0.887178
  0.100       1.896240       2.148271       2.258169
  0.150       2.979485       3.298317       3.679955
  0.200       4.114141       4.497864       5.150017
  0.250       5.306285       5.747907       6.667526
  0.300       6.564949       7.052328       8.234522
  0.350       7.903449       8.419168       9.857156
  0.400       9.340827       9.861996      11.547031
  0.450      10.903429      11.401411      13.322679
  0.500      12.626677      13.066732      15.211218
  0.550      14.557076      14.897917      17.250233
  0.600      16.754524      16.947766      19.489948
  0.650      19.294999      19.284492      21.995740
  0.700      22.273704      21.994729      24.851106
  0.750      25.808792      25.187095      28.161153
  0.800      30.045801      28.996434      32.056777
  0.850      35.162968      33.588907      36.699660
  0.900      41.377652      39.168135      42.288304
  0.950      48.954127      45.982661      49.065373
  1.000      58.213121      54.335075      57.326645

Sagittal fan, field number 2 = 16.00 deg

  Pupil       0.486133       0.587562       0.656273
 -1.000      19.140355      32.561113      32.824976
 -0.950      23.714122      35.266699      35.071473
 -0.900      26.236803      36.163433      35.600251
 -0.850      27.216146      35.727570      34.875468
 -0.800      27.057351      34.337408      33.265126
 -0.750      26.082666      32.292056      31.059508
 -0.700      24.546906      29.826304      28.485789
 -0.650      22.649858      27.122488      25.719695
 -0.600      20.546235      24.320017      22.894860
 -0.550      18.353729      21.523076      20.110388
 -0.500      16.159567      18.806886      17.436999
 -0.450      14.025874      16.222824      14.922059
 -0.400      11.994095      13.802643      12.593718
 -0.350      10.088670      11.561974      10.464341
 -0.300       8.320105       9.503248       8.533379
 -0.250       6.687573       7.618169       6.789789
 -0.200       5.181130       5.889822       5.214097
 -0.150       3.783642       4.294492       3.780180
 -0.100       2.472469       2.803266       2.456840
 -0.050       1.220992       1.383474       1.209201
  0.000      -0.000000      -0.000000      -0.000000
  0.050      -1.220992      -1.383474      -1.209201
  0.100      -2.472469      -2.803266      -2.456840
  0.150      -3.783642      -4.294492      -3.780180
  0.200      -5.181130      -5.889822      -5.214097
  0.250      -6.687573      -7.618169      -6.789789
  0.300      -8.320105      -9.503248      -8.533379
  0.350     -10.088670     -11.561974     -10.464341
  0.400     -11.994095     -13.802643     -12.593718
  0.450     -14.025874     -16.222824     -14.922059
  0.500     -16.159567     -18.806886     -17.436999
  0.550     -18.353729     -21.523076     -20.110388
  0.600     -20.546235     -24.320017     -22.894860
  0.650     -22.649858     -27.122488     -25.719695
  0.700     -24.546906     -29.826304     -28.485789
  0.750     -26.082666     -32.292056     -31.059508
  0.800     -27.057351     -34.337408     -33.265126
  0.850     -27.216146     -35.727570     -34.875468
  0.900     -26.236803     -36.163433     -35.600251
  0.950     -23.714122     -35.266699     -35.071473
  1.000     -19.140355     -32.561113     -32.824976

Tangential fan, field number 3 = 22.00 deg

  Pupil       0.486133       0.587562       0.656273
 -0.550       2.438727      -2.606068      -8.166611
 -0.500       5.537343       0.847009      -4.283533
 -0.450       7.530021       3.244872      -1.438952
 -0.400       8.602689       4.766812       0.543975
 -0.350       8.914473       5.566055       1.816320
 -0.300       8.602008       5.773976       2.507557
 -0.250       7.783073       5.503634       2.729062
 -0.200       6.559675       4.852789       2.577098
 -0.150       5.020708       3.906484       2.135368
 -0.100       3.244259       2.739298       1.477249
 -0.050       1.299648       1.417335       0.667753
  0.000      -0.750742      -0.000000      -0.234708
  0.050      -2.849807      -1.458377      -1.176718
  0.100      -4.944175      -2.907035      -2.108361
  0.150      -6.982743      -4.297352      -2.981815
  0.200      -8.915267      -5.581466      -3.749974
  0.250     -10.690957      -6.710904      -4.365093
  0.300     -12.257066      -7.635197      -4.777414
  0.350     -13.557426      -8.300442      -4.933739
  0.400     -14.530902      -8.647788      -4.775926
  0.450     -15.109735      -8.611804      -4.239270
  0.500     -15.217721      -8.118688      -3.250720
  0.550     -14.768195      -7.084280      -1.726904
  0.600     -13.661759      -5.411822       0.428099
  0.650     -11.783690      -2.989395       3.325304
  0.700      -9.000967       0.313014       7.093746
  0.750      -5.158809       4.646948      11.883896
  0.800      -0.076630      10.189478      17.871648
  0.850       6.456732      17.147948      25.263042
  0.900      14.688684      25.765604      34.299876
  0.950      24.909637      36.328331      45.266432
  1.000      37.461151      49.172780      58.497584

Sagittal fan, field number 3 = 22.00 deg

  Pupil       0.486133       0.587562       0.656273
 -1.000       0.066757      13.808458      14.139665
 -0.950       8.896711      20.770332      20.645323
 -0.900      15.007086      25.251176      24.759650
 -0.850      18.993387      27.815600      27.035398
 -0.800      21.335328      28.916911      27.915769
 -0.750      22.418936      28.918407      27.755396
 -0.700      22.554056      28.110244      26.836952
 -0.650      21.988307      26.722877      25.384392
 -0.600      20.918300      24.937850      23.573576
 -0.550      19.498699      22.896520      21.540861
 -0.500      17.849605      20.707152      19.390075
 -0.450      16.062598      18.450723      17.198242
 -0.400      14.205727      16.185719      15.020289
 -0.350      12.327662      13.952107      12.892965
 -0.300      10.461170      11.774677      10.838111
 -0.250       8.626059       9.665853       8.865439
 -0.200       6.831704       7.628113       6.974898
 -0.150       5.079233       5.656077       5.158727
 -0.100       3.363462       3.738352       3.403271
 -0.050       1.674630       1.859187       1.690597
  0.000      -0.000000      -0.000000      -0.000000
  0.050      -1.674630      -1.859187      -1.690597
  0.100      -3.363462      -3.738352      -3.403271
  0.150      -5.079233      -5.656077      -5.158727
  0.200      -6.831704      -7.628113      -6.974898
  0.250      -8.626059      -9.665853      -8.865439
  0.300     -10.461170     -11.774677     -10.838111
  0.350     -12.327662     -13.952107     -12.892965
  0.400     -14.205727     -16.185719     -15.020289
  0.450     -16.062598     -18.450723     -17.198242
  0.500     -17.849605     -20.707152     -19.390075
  0.550     -19.498699     -22.896520     -21.540861
  0.600     -20.918300     -24.937850     -23.573576
  0.650     -21.988307     -26.722877     -25.384392
  0.700     -22.554056     -28.110244     -26.836952
  0.750     -22.418936     -28.918407     -27.755396
  0.800     -21.335328     -28.916911     -27.915769
  0.850     -18.993387     -27.815600     -27.035398
  0.900     -15.007086     -25.251176     -24.759650
  0.950      -8.896711     -20.770332     -20.645323
  1.000      -0.066757     -13.808458     -14.139665

Spot Diagrams

Field Curvature / Distortion

Listing of Field Curvature Data

File : Z:\eop601_summer2009\triplet\kidger.ZMX
Title: Kidger triplet
Date : THU MAY 28 2009

Distortion Type: F-Tan(Theta)
Shift units are Millimeters.
Height units are Millimeters.
Distortion units are percent.
Maximum Field is 22.000 Degrees.

Data for wavelength : 0.486133 µm.
Distortion focal length = 49.76296
  Y Angle (deg)	      Tan Shift	      Sag Shift	    Real Height	    Ref. Height	     Distortion
     0.00000000	     0.25118278	     0.25118278	     0.00000000	     0.00000000	     0.00000000	%
     0.22000000	     0.25116451	     0.25106889	     0.19107691	     0.19107698	    -0.00003381	%
     0.44000000	     0.25110340	     0.25072727	     0.38215907	     0.38215959	    -0.00013529	%
     0.66000000	     0.25099959	     0.25015811	     0.57325172	     0.57325347	    -0.00030451	%
     0.88000000	     0.25085326	     0.24936173	     0.76436012	     0.76436426	    -0.00054164	%
     1.10000000	     0.25066469	     0.24833856	     0.95548950	     0.95549759	    -0.00084689	%
     1.32000000	     0.25043423	     0.24708917	     1.14664511	     1.14665910	    -0.00122054	%
     1.54000000	     0.25016232	     0.24561423	     1.33783220	     1.33785445	    -0.00166293	%
     1.76000000	     0.24984945	     0.24391458	     1.52905603	     1.52908928	    -0.00217446	%
     1.98000000	     0.24949620	     0.24199114	     1.72032183	     1.72036923	    -0.00275559	%
     2.20000000	     0.24910321	     0.23984499	     1.91163485	     1.91169998	    -0.00340685	%
     2.42000000	     0.24867121	     0.23747731	     2.10300034	     2.10308718	    -0.00412884	%
     2.64000000	     0.24820096	     0.23488944	     2.29442356	     2.29453650	    -0.00492220	%
     2.86000000	     0.24769333	     0.23208282	     2.48590975	     2.48605363	    -0.00578764	%
     3.08000000	     0.24714919	     0.22905903	     2.67746415	     2.67764425	    -0.00672595	%
     3.30000000	     0.24656952	     0.22581978	     2.86909202	     2.86931405	    -0.00773797	%
     3.52000000	     0.24595532	     0.22236692	     3.06079861	     3.06106874	    -0.00882460	%
     3.74000000	     0.24530764	     0.21870240	     3.25258918	     3.25291404	    -0.00998682	%
     3.96000000	     0.24462758	     0.21482835	     3.44446896	     3.44485566	    -0.01122566	%
     4.18000000	     0.24391627	     0.21074698	     3.63644321	     3.63689936	    -0.01254221	%
     4.40000000	     0.24317487	     0.20646069	     3.82851718	     3.82905086	    -0.01393766	%
     4.62000000	     0.24240458	     0.20197197	     4.02069613	     4.02131595	    -0.01541323	%
     4.84000000	     0.24160658	     0.19728347	     4.21298531	     4.21370038	    -0.01697021	%
     5.06000000	     0.24078211	     0.19239798	     4.40538996	     4.40620996	    -0.01860999	%
     5.28000000	     0.23993238	     0.18731841	     4.59791535	     4.59885048	    -0.02033398	%
     5.50000000	     0.23905861	     0.18204783	     4.79056673	     4.79162777	    -0.02214370	%
     5.72000000	     0.23816199	     0.17658946	     4.98334934	     4.98454766	    -0.02404071	%
     5.94000000	     0.23724371	     0.17094663	     5.17626844	     5.17761600	    -0.02602666	%
     6.16000000	     0.23630492	     0.16512284	     5.36932930	     5.37083868	    -0.02810326	%
     6.38000000	     0.23534671	     0.15912175	     5.56253715	     5.56422156	    -0.03027230	%
     6.60000000	     0.23437016	     0.15294714	     5.75589725	     5.75777058	    -0.03253562	%
     6.82000000	     0.23337623	     0.14660295	     5.94941486	     5.95149164	    -0.03489516	%
     7.04000000	     0.23236585	     0.14009330	     6.14309523	     6.14539071	    -0.03735292	%
     7.26000000	     0.23133983	     0.13342243	     6.33694361	     6.33947376	    -0.03991098	%
     7.48000000	     0.23029889	     0.12659476	     6.53096526	     6.53374677	    -0.04257149	%
     7.70000000	     0.22924364	     0.11961485	     6.72516542	     6.72821577	    -0.04533668	%
     7.92000000	     0.22817452	     0.11248745	     6.91954934	     6.92288679	    -0.04820886	%
     8.14000000	     0.22709186	     0.10521746	     7.11412228	     7.11776589	    -0.05119042	%
     8.36000000	     0.22599580	     0.09780994	     7.30888948	     7.31285918	    -0.05428382	%
     8.58000000	     0.22488629	     0.09027013	     7.50385618	     7.50817275	    -0.05749162	%
     8.80000000	     0.22376309	     0.08260345	     7.69902764	     7.70371277	    -0.06081644	%
     9.02000000	     0.22262572	     0.07481549	     7.89440910	     7.89948539	    -0.06426101	%
     9.24000000	     0.22147345	     0.06691201	     8.09000578	     8.09549681	    -0.06782812	%
     9.46000000	     0.22030529	     0.05889897	     8.28582294	     8.29175326	    -0.07152067	%
     9.68000000	     0.21911993	     0.05078250	     8.48186581	     8.48826100	    -0.07534165	%
     9.90000000	     0.21791575	     0.04256895	     8.67813961	     8.68502633	    -0.07929411	%
    10.12000000	     0.21669077	     0.03426482	     8.87464958	     8.88205555	    -0.08338123	%
    10.34000000	     0.21544266	     0.02587684	     9.07140093	     9.07935502	    -0.08760627	%
    10.56000000	     0.21416863	     0.01741193	     9.26839889	     9.27693113	    -0.09197259	%
    10.78000000	     0.21286549	     0.00887722	     9.46564867	     9.47479029	    -0.09648363	%
    11.00000000	     0.21152953	     0.00028005	     9.66315548	     9.67293897	    -0.10114297	%
    11.22000000	     0.21015655	    -0.00837204	     9.86092451	     9.87138366	    -0.10595427	%
    11.44000000	     0.20874179	    -0.01707126	    10.05896096	    10.07013088	    -0.11092129	%
    11.66000000	     0.20727990	    -0.02580962	    10.25727002	    10.26918720	    -0.11604793	%
    11.88000000	     0.20576487	    -0.03457889	    10.45585687	    10.46855923	    -0.12133817	%
    12.10000000	     0.20419003	    -0.04337062	    10.65472667	    10.66825361	    -0.12679614	%
    12.32000000	     0.20254795	    -0.05217609	    10.85388459	    10.86827702	    -0.13242606	%
    12.54000000	     0.20083042	    -0.06098637	    11.05333576	    11.06863619	    -0.13823230	%
    12.76000000	     0.19902841	    -0.06979224	    11.25308534	    11.26933790	    -0.14421933	%
    12.98000000	     0.19713197	    -0.07858425	    11.45313843	    11.47038895	    -0.15039178	%
    13.20000000	     0.19513019	    -0.08735266	    11.65350015	    11.67179620	    -0.15675441	%
    13.42000000	     0.19301114	    -0.09608748	    11.85417558	    11.87356656	    -0.16331211	%
    13.64000000	     0.19076180	    -0.10477844	    12.05516982	    12.07570696	    -0.17006993	%
    13.86000000	     0.18836798	    -0.11341495	    12.25648790	    12.27822442	    -0.17703306	%
    14.08000000	     0.18581425	    -0.12198615	    12.45813487	    12.48112596	    -0.18420687	%
    14.30000000	     0.18308384	    -0.13048089	    12.66011574	    12.68441870	    -0.19159689	%
    14.52000000	     0.18015859	    -0.13888768	    12.86243551	    12.88810976	    -0.19920881	%
    14.74000000	     0.17701884	    -0.14719471	    13.06509913	    13.09220635	    -0.20704850	%
    14.96000000	     0.17364330	    -0.15538985	    13.26811155	    13.29671571	    -0.21512205	%
    15.18000000	     0.17000901	    -0.16346064	    13.47147766	    13.50164516	    -0.22343572	%
    15.40000000	     0.16609121	    -0.17139424	    13.67520234	    13.70700203	    -0.23199597	%
    15.62000000	     0.16186317	    -0.17917746	    13.87929043	    13.91279376	    -0.24080952	%
    15.84000000	     0.15729617	    -0.18679675	    14.08374671	    14.11902780	    -0.24988327	%
    16.06000000	     0.15235928	    -0.19423816	    14.28857595	    14.32571169	    -0.25922440	%
    16.28000000	     0.14701929	    -0.20148734	    14.49378285	    14.53285302	    -0.26884032	%
    16.50000000	     0.14124051	    -0.20852953	    14.69937206	    14.74045943	    -0.27873873	%
    16.72000000	     0.13498467	    -0.21534955	    14.90534817	    14.94853863	    -0.28892761	%
    16.94000000	     0.12821072	    -0.22193178	    15.11171574	    15.15709840	    -0.29941522	%
    17.16000000	     0.12087469	    -0.22826014	    15.31847922	    15.36614657	    -0.31021017	%
    17.38000000	     0.11292949	    -0.23431808	    15.52564303	    15.57569106	    -0.32132140	%
    17.60000000	     0.10432473	    -0.24008857	    15.73321148	    15.78573982	    -0.33275822	%
    17.82000000	     0.09500650	    -0.24555407	    15.94118880	    15.99630091	    -0.34453030	%
    18.04000000	     0.08491720	    -0.25069651	    16.14957915	    16.20738242	    -0.35664776	%
    18.26000000	     0.07399526	    -0.25549729	    16.35838657	    16.41899254	    -0.36912113	%
    18.48000000	     0.06217494	    -0.25993723	    16.56761497	    16.63113951	    -0.38196144	%
    18.70000000	     0.04938608	    -0.26399657	    16.77726819	    16.84383167	    -0.39518019	%
    18.92000000	     0.03555381	    -0.26765496	    16.98734988	    17.05707742	    -0.40878947	%
    19.14000000	     0.02059828	    -0.27089139	    17.19786359	    17.27088522	    -0.42280190	%
    19.36000000	     0.00443440	    -0.27368421	    17.40881269	    17.48526364	    -0.43723077	%
    19.58000000	    -0.01302854	    -0.27601109	    17.62020037	    17.70022131	    -0.45209003	%
    19.80000000	    -0.03188714	    -0.27784896	    17.83202965	    17.91576694	    -0.46739436	%
    20.02000000	    -0.05224426	    -0.27917405	    18.04430334	    18.13190933	    -0.48315923	%
    20.24000000	    -0.07420941	    -0.27996179	    18.25702400	    18.34865737	    -0.49940096	%
    20.46000000	    -0.09789906	    -0.28018680	    18.47019396	    18.56602002	    -0.51613680	%
    20.68000000	    -0.12343714	    -0.27982289	    18.68381527	    18.78400634	    -0.53338501	%
    20.90000000	    -0.15095538	    -0.27884296	    18.89788967	    19.00262547	    -0.55116490	%
    21.12000000	    -0.18059382	    -0.27721901	    19.11241857	    19.22188664	    -0.56949702	%
    21.34000000	    -0.21250125	    -0.27492209	    19.32740302	    19.44179918	    -0.58840315	%
    21.56000000	    -0.24683571	    -0.27192223	    19.54284367	    19.66237251	    -0.60790652	%
    21.78000000	    -0.28376498	    -0.26818845	    19.75874071	    19.88361616	    -0.62803187	%
    22.00000000	    -0.32346719	    -0.26368864	    19.97509385	    20.10553972	    -0.64880560	%

Data for wavelength : 0.587562 µm.
Distortion focal length = 49.76278
  Y Angle (deg)	      Tan Shift	      Sag Shift	    Real Height	    Ref. Height	     Distortion
     0.00000000	     0.22999260	     0.22999260	     0.00000000	     0.00000000	     0.00000000	%
     0.22000000	     0.22997593	     0.22987786	     0.19107624	     0.19107630	    -0.00003354	%
     0.44000000	     0.22991891	     0.22953373	     0.38215773	     0.38215824	    -0.00013417	%
     0.66000000	     0.22982165	     0.22896039	     0.57324971	     0.57325145	    -0.00030200	%
     0.88000000	     0.22968440	     0.22815815	     0.76435745	     0.76436156	    -0.00053718	%
     1.10000000	     0.22950749	     0.22712745	     0.95548619	     0.95549421	    -0.00083993	%
     1.32000000	     0.22929132	     0.22586885	     1.14664117	     1.14665505	    -0.00121052	%
     1.54000000	     0.22903640	     0.22438304	     1.33782766	     1.33784973	    -0.00164929	%
     1.76000000	     0.22874334	     0.22267083	     1.52905090	     1.52908388	    -0.00215666	%
     1.98000000	     0.22841281	     0.22073318	     1.72031614	     1.72036316	    -0.00273308	%
     2.20000000	     0.22804559	     0.21857114	     1.91162863	     1.91169323	    -0.00337909	%
     2.42000000	     0.22764253	     0.21618591	     2.10299362	     2.10307975	    -0.00409528	%
     2.64000000	     0.22720456	     0.21357882	     2.29441637	     2.29452840	    -0.00488230	%
     2.86000000	     0.22673271	     0.21075132	     2.48590213	     2.48604485	    -0.00574087	%
     3.08000000	     0.22622805	     0.20770499	     2.67745614	     2.67763479	    -0.00667177	%
     3.30000000	     0.22569174	     0.20444154	     2.86908367	     2.86930392	    -0.00767585	%
     3.52000000	     0.22512502	     0.20096281	     3.06078996	     3.06105793	    -0.00875403	%
     3.74000000	     0.22452916	     0.19727079	     3.25258028	     3.25290255	    -0.00990727	%
     3.96000000	     0.22390553	     0.19336757	     3.44445986	     3.44484350	    -0.01113661	%
     4.18000000	     0.22325552	     0.18925539	     3.63643397	     3.63688651	    -0.01244317	%
     4.40000000	     0.22258058	     0.18493664	     3.82850786	     3.82903734	    -0.01382811	%
     4.62000000	     0.22188222	     0.18041382	     4.02068678	     4.02130174	    -0.01529267	%
     4.84000000	     0.22116196	     0.17568959	     4.21297599	     4.21368550	    -0.01683816	%
     5.06000000	     0.22042136	     0.17076672	     4.40538075	     4.40619440	    -0.01846594	%
     5.28000000	     0.21966202	     0.16564815	     4.59790631	     4.59883424	    -0.02017747	%
     5.50000000	     0.21888554	     0.16033694	     4.79055792	     4.79161085	    -0.02197425	%
     5.72000000	     0.21809352	     0.15483630	     4.98334085	     4.98453005	    -0.02385785	%
     5.94000000	     0.21728759	     0.14914960	     5.17626035	     5.17759772	    -0.02582993	%
     6.16000000	     0.21646934	     0.14328033	     5.36932167	     5.37081971	    -0.02789221	%
     6.38000000	     0.21564037	     0.13723214	     5.56253007	     5.56420191	    -0.03004647	%
     6.60000000	     0.21480221	     0.13100882	     5.75589080	     5.75775024	    -0.03229458	%
     6.82000000	     0.21395641	     0.12461434	     5.94940913	     5.95147062	    -0.03463847	%
     7.04000000	     0.21310441	     0.11805279	     6.14309030	     6.14536901	    -0.03708016	%
     7.26000000	     0.21224763	     0.11132844	     6.33693957	     6.33945137	    -0.03962173	%
     7.48000000	     0.21138740	     0.10444571	     6.53096219	     6.53372369	    -0.04226533	%
     7.70000000	     0.21052495	     0.09740916	     6.72516343	     6.72819200	    -0.04501321	%
     7.92000000	     0.20966141	     0.09022355	     6.91954852	     6.92286233	    -0.04786769	%
     8.14000000	     0.20879781	     0.08289379	     7.11412272	     7.11774075	    -0.05083114	%
     8.36000000	     0.20793503	     0.07542494	     7.30889129	     7.31283335	    -0.05390606	%
     8.58000000	     0.20707379	     0.06782226	     7.50385946	     7.50814624	    -0.05709499	%
     8.80000000	     0.20621464	     0.06009117	     7.69903249	     7.70368556	    -0.06040058	%
     9.02000000	     0.20535797	     0.05223725	     7.89441561	     7.89945748	    -0.06382554	%
     9.24000000	     0.20450392	     0.04426630	     8.09001408	     8.09546821	    -0.06737268	%
     9.46000000	     0.20365241	     0.03618427	     8.28583313	     8.29172397	    -0.07104491	%
     9.68000000	     0.20280311	     0.02799731	     8.48187799	     8.48823102	    -0.07484520	%
     9.90000000	     0.20195541	     0.01971176	     8.67815390	     8.68499565	    -0.07877663	%
    10.12000000	     0.20110839	     0.01133414	     8.87466610	     8.88202417	    -0.08284236	%
    10.34000000	     0.20026079	     0.00287119	     9.07141979	     9.07932295	    -0.08704567	%
    10.56000000	     0.19941101	    -0.00567016	     9.26842021	     9.27689836	    -0.09138990	%
    10.78000000	     0.19855704	    -0.01428277	     9.46567257	     9.47475683	    -0.09587851	%
    11.00000000	     0.19769643	    -0.02295929	     9.66318208	     9.67290481	    -0.10051506	%
    11.22000000	     0.19682630	    -0.03169217	     9.86095395	     9.87134879	    -0.10530321	%
    11.44000000	     0.19594327	    -0.04047361	    10.05899336	    10.07009531	    -0.11024673	%
    11.66000000	     0.19504339	    -0.04929561	    10.25730552	    10.26915093	    -0.11534949	%
    11.88000000	     0.19412219	    -0.05814993	    10.45589560	    10.46852225	    -0.12061548	%
    12.10000000	     0.19317453	    -0.06702809	    10.65476877	    10.66821593	    -0.12604879	%
    12.32000000	     0.19219464	    -0.07592139	    10.85393020	    10.86823863	    -0.13165365	%
    12.54000000	     0.19117601	    -0.08482085	    11.05338504	    11.06859710	    -0.13743440	%
    12.76000000	     0.19011139	    -0.09371727	    11.25313843	    11.26929810	    -0.14339550	%
    12.98000000	     0.18899270	    -0.10260116	    11.45319550	    11.47034844	    -0.14954154	%
    13.20000000	     0.18781099	    -0.11146279	    11.65356137	    11.67175498	    -0.15587725	%
    13.42000000	     0.18655634	    -0.12029215	    11.85424112	    11.87352462	    -0.16240751	%
    13.64000000	     0.18521788	    -0.12907893	    12.05523986	    12.07566431	    -0.16913731	%
    13.86000000	     0.18378364	    -0.13781256	    12.25656263	    12.27818105	    -0.17607181	%
    14.08000000	     0.18224050	    -0.14648216	    12.45821450	    12.48108188	    -0.18321632	%
    14.30000000	     0.18057413	    -0.15507654	    12.66020048	    12.68437389	    -0.19057631	%
    14.52000000	     0.17876891	    -0.16358421	    12.86252558	    12.88806424	    -0.19815743	%
    14.74000000	     0.17680782	    -0.17199335	    13.06519478	    13.09216011	    -0.20596547	%
    14.96000000	     0.17467236	    -0.18029181	    13.26821302	    13.29666875	    -0.21400643	%
    15.18000000	     0.17234246	    -0.18846710	    13.47158524	    13.50159747	    -0.22228649	%
    15.40000000	     0.16979637	    -0.19650638	    13.67531632	    13.70695362	    -0.23081203	%
    15.62000000	     0.16701055	    -0.20439644	    13.87941112	    13.91274462	    -0.23958964	%
    15.84000000	     0.16395958	    -0.21212370	    14.08387447	    14.11897793	    -0.24862611	%
    16.06000000	     0.16061599	    -0.21967419	    14.28871113	    14.32566109	    -0.25792848	%
    16.28000000	     0.15695017	    -0.22703356	    14.49392586	    14.53280169	    -0.26750402	%
    16.50000000	     0.15293022	    -0.23418702	    14.69952333	    14.74040736	    -0.27736026	%
    16.72000000	     0.14852182	    -0.24111938	    14.90550819	    14.94848583	    -0.28750500	%
    16.94000000	     0.14368806	    -0.24781499	    15.11188501	    15.15704486	    -0.29794631	%
    17.16000000	     0.13838927	    -0.25425775	    15.31865831	    15.36609230	    -0.30869258	%
    17.38000000	     0.13258288	    -0.26043110	    15.52583256	    15.57563605	    -0.31975249	%
    17.60000000	     0.12622319	    -0.26631798	    15.73341213	    15.78568407	    -0.33113509	%
    17.82000000	     0.11926125	    -0.27190083	    15.94140132	    15.99624441	    -0.34284978	%
    18.04000000	     0.11164459	    -0.27716157	    16.14980435	    16.20732518	    -0.35490633	%
    18.26000000	     0.10331702	    -0.28208156	    16.35862535	    16.41893455	    -0.36731492	%
    18.48000000	     0.09421844	    -0.28664161	    16.56786833	    16.63108077	    -0.38008619	%
    18.70000000	     0.08428453	    -0.29082195	    16.77753721	    16.84377218	    -0.39323122	%
    18.92000000	     0.07344659	    -0.29460219	    16.98763577	    17.05701717	    -0.40676160	%
    19.14000000	     0.06163116	    -0.29796130	    17.19816768	    17.27082422	    -0.42068946	%
    19.36000000	     0.04875984	    -0.30087761	    17.40913644	    17.48520188	    -0.43502751	%
    19.58000000	     0.03474890	    -0.30332877	    17.62054541	    17.70015879	    -0.44978907	%
    19.80000000	     0.01950904	    -0.30529168	    17.83239776	    17.91570366	    -0.46498814	%
    20.02000000	     0.00294500	    -0.30674255	    18.04469650	    18.13184529	    -0.48063942	%
    20.24000000	    -0.01504477	    -0.30765677	    18.25744439	    18.34859257	    -0.49675841	%
    20.46000000	    -0.03456849	    -0.30800896	    18.47064400	    18.56595445	    -0.51336144	%
    20.68000000	    -0.05574145	    -0.30777288	    18.68429762	    18.78394000	    -0.53046576	%
    20.90000000	    -0.07868639	    -0.30692140	    18.89840730	    19.00255835	    -0.54808961	%
    21.12000000	    -0.10353398	    -0.30542650	    19.11297476	    19.22181875	    -0.56625230	%
    21.34000000	    -0.13042327	    -0.30325919	    19.32800139	    19.44173051	    -0.58497430	%
    21.56000000	    -0.15950215	    -0.30038948	    19.54348822	    19.66230307	    -0.60427735	%
    21.78000000	    -0.19092785	    -0.29678632	    19.75943590	    19.88354593	    -0.62418460	%
    22.00000000	    -0.22486754	    -0.29241758	    19.97584459	    20.10546871	    -0.64472067	%

Data for wavelength : 0.656273 µm.
Distortion focal length = 49.76079
  Y Angle (deg)	      Tan Shift	      Sag Shift	    Real Height	    Ref. Height	     Distortion
     0.00000000	     0.25905964	     0.25905964	     0.00000000	     0.00000000	     0.00000000	%
     0.22000000	     0.25904392	     0.25894457	     0.19106861	     0.19106867	    -0.00003336	%
     0.44000000	     0.25898941	     0.25859943	     0.38214246	     0.38214297	    -0.00013348	%
     0.66000000	     0.25889626	     0.25802440	     0.57322682	     0.57322854	    -0.00030044	%
     0.88000000	     0.25876470	     0.25721980	     0.76432694	     0.76433102	    -0.00053441	%
     1.10000000	     0.25859509	     0.25618607	     0.95544806	     0.95545604	    -0.00083560	%
     1.32000000	     0.25838787	     0.25492377	     1.14659544	     1.14660925	    -0.00120428	%
     1.54000000	     0.25814358	     0.25343359	     1.33777433	     1.33779628	    -0.00164081	%
     1.76000000	     0.25786286	     0.25171634	     1.52898998	     1.52902279	    -0.00214558	%
     1.98000000	     0.25754642	     0.24977297	     1.72024765	     1.72029443	    -0.00271906	%
     2.20000000	     0.25719511	     0.24760456	     1.91155259	     1.91161686	    -0.00336178	%
     2.42000000	     0.25680981	     0.24521229	     2.10291005	     2.10299573	    -0.00407434	%
     2.64000000	     0.25639154	     0.24259749	     2.29432528	     2.29443673	    -0.00485738	%
     2.86000000	     0.25594137	     0.23976162	     2.48580355	     2.48594553	    -0.00571163	%
     3.08000000	     0.25546047	     0.23670626	     2.67735009	     2.67752782	    -0.00663787	%
     3.30000000	     0.25495008	     0.23343312	     2.86897017	     2.86918929	    -0.00763694	%
     3.52000000	     0.25441152	     0.22994406	     3.06066905	     3.06093565	    -0.00870976	%
     3.74000000	     0.25384617	     0.22624104	     3.25245196	     3.25277260	    -0.00985730	%
     3.96000000	     0.25325547	     0.22232617	     3.44432419	     3.44470588	    -0.01108060	%
     4.18000000	     0.25264096	     0.21820171	     3.63629097	     3.63674122	    -0.01238077	%
     4.40000000	     0.25200419	     0.21387002	     3.82835756	     3.82888437	    -0.01375899	%
     4.62000000	     0.25134679	     0.20933363	     4.02052922	     4.02114110	    -0.01521648	%
     4.84000000	     0.25067042	     0.20459518	     4.21281121	     4.21351717	    -0.01675455	%
     5.06000000	     0.24997678	     0.19965747	     4.40520879	     4.40601837	    -0.01837458	%
     5.28000000	     0.24926762	     0.19452343	     4.59772720	     4.59865052	    -0.02007801	%
     5.50000000	     0.24854469	     0.18919612	     4.79037172	     4.79141943	    -0.02186635	%
     5.72000000	     0.24780978	     0.18367877	     4.98314759	     4.98433093	    -0.02374117	%
     5.94000000	     0.24706466	     0.17797473	     5.17606008	     5.17739088	    -0.02570413	%
     6.16000000	     0.24631113	     0.17208751	     5.36911443	     5.37060515	    -0.02775694	%
     6.38000000	     0.24555097	     0.16602077	     5.56231592	     5.56397963	    -0.02990139	%
     6.60000000	     0.24478594	     0.15977830	     5.75566980	     5.75752023	    -0.03213935	%
     6.82000000	     0.24401776	     0.15336407	     5.94918132	     5.95123287	    -0.03447275	%
     7.04000000	     0.24324814	     0.14678218	     6.14285574	     6.14512351	    -0.03690360	%
     7.26000000	     0.24247871	     0.14003690	     6.33669832	     6.33919812	    -0.03943398	%
     7.48000000	     0.24171104	     0.13313266	     6.53071431	     6.53346268	    -0.04206606	%
     7.70000000	     0.24094664	     0.12607403	     6.72490897	     6.72792322	    -0.04480206	%
     7.92000000	     0.24018691	     0.11886578	     6.91928756	     6.92258578	    -0.04764431	%
     8.14000000	     0.23943315	     0.11151281	     7.11385532	     7.11745641	    -0.05059520	%
     8.36000000	     0.23868653	     0.10402020	     7.30861751	     7.31254121	    -0.05365719	%
     8.58000000	     0.23794811	     0.09639321	     7.50357937	     7.50784630	    -0.05683285	%
     8.80000000	     0.23721875	     0.08863727	     7.69874616	     7.70337781	    -0.06012481	%
     9.02000000	     0.23649916	     0.08075798	     7.89412313	     7.89914191	    -0.06353579	%
     9.24000000	     0.23578986	     0.07276113	     8.08971551	     8.09514481	    -0.06706859	%
     9.46000000	     0.23509114	     0.06465269	     8.28552855	     8.29139273	    -0.07072610	%
     9.68000000	     0.23440305	     0.05643880	     8.48156749	     8.48789193	    -0.07451132	%
     9.90000000	     0.23372538	     0.04812583	     8.67783756	     8.68464870	    -0.07842730	%
    10.12000000	     0.23305764	     0.03972030	     8.87434400	     8.88166935	    -0.08247721	%
    10.34000000	     0.23239902	     0.03122895	     9.07109202	     9.07896024	    -0.08666431	%
    10.56000000	     0.23174836	     0.02265874	     9.26808687	     9.27652776	    -0.09099195	%
    10.78000000	     0.23110414	     0.01401680	     9.46533374	     9.47437832	    -0.09546357	%
    11.00000000	     0.23046444	     0.00531050	     9.66283787	     9.67251839	    -0.10008274	%
    11.22000000	     0.22982687	    -0.00345260	     9.86060445	     9.87095445	    -0.10485309	%
    11.44000000	     0.22918860	    -0.01226470	    10.05863868	    10.06969303	    -0.10977839	%
    11.66000000	     0.22854628	    -0.02111778	    10.25694576	    10.26874069	    -0.11486250	%
    11.88000000	     0.22789602	    -0.03000358	    10.45553087	    10.46810405	    -0.12010940	%
    12.10000000	     0.22723331	    -0.03891363	    10.65439920	    10.66778974	    -0.12552317	%
    12.32000000	     0.22655302	    -0.04783920	    10.85355590	    10.86780446	    -0.13110802	%
    12.54000000	     0.22584935	    -0.05677132	    11.05300613	    11.06815492	    -0.13686827	%
    12.76000000	     0.22511573	    -0.06570075	    11.25275505	    11.26884790	    -0.14280837	%
    12.98000000	     0.22434484	    -0.07461801	    11.45280777	    11.46989021	    -0.14893290	%
    13.20000000	     0.22352850	    -0.08351335	    11.65316943	    11.67128871	    -0.15524656	%
    13.42000000	     0.22265762	    -0.09237673	    11.85384513	    11.87305029	    -0.16175420	%
    13.64000000	     0.22172215	    -0.10119786	    12.05483996	    12.07518190	    -0.16846080	%
    13.86000000	     0.22071100	    -0.10996613	    12.25615899	    12.27769055	    -0.17537148	%
    14.08000000	     0.21961201	    -0.11867065	    12.45780727	    12.48058328	    -0.18249153	%
    14.30000000	     0.21841179	    -0.12730023	    12.65978984	    12.68386717	    -0.18982639	%
    14.52000000	     0.21709573	    -0.13584335	    12.86211172	    12.88754938	    -0.19738165	%
    14.74000000	     0.21564785	    -0.14428819	    13.06477789	    13.09163709	    -0.20516309	%
    14.96000000	     0.21405078	    -0.15262257	    13.26779330	    13.29613757	    -0.21317666	%
    15.18000000	     0.21228557	    -0.16083399	    13.47116291	    13.50105810	    -0.22142848	%
    15.40000000	     0.21033169	    -0.16890960	    13.67489161	    13.70640605	    -0.22992489	%
    15.62000000	     0.20816686	    -0.17683616	    13.87898427	    13.91218882	    -0.23867241	%
    15.84000000	     0.20576694	    -0.18460009	    14.08344573	    14.11841390	    -0.24767778	%
    16.06000000	     0.20310586	    -0.19218740	    14.28828078	    14.32508880	    -0.25694797	%
    16.28000000	     0.20015542	    -0.19958371	    14.49349418	    14.53222112	    -0.26649018	%
    16.50000000	     0.19688524	    -0.20677422	    14.69909064	    14.73981850	    -0.27631186	%
    16.72000000	     0.19326254	    -0.21374373	    14.90507481	    14.94788866	    -0.28642071	%
    16.94000000	     0.18925205	    -0.22047656	    15.11145130	    15.15643936	    -0.29682472	%
    17.16000000	     0.18481581	    -0.22695661	    15.31822466	    15.36547845	    -0.30753216	%
    17.38000000	     0.17991303	    -0.23316728	    15.52539936	    15.57501382	    -0.31855161	%
    17.60000000	     0.17449988	    -0.23909151	    15.73297983	    15.78505345	    -0.32989199	%
    17.82000000	     0.16852935	    -0.24471171	    15.94097038	    15.99560538	    -0.34156254	%
    18.04000000	     0.16195100	    -0.25000977	    16.14937529	    16.20667772	    -0.35357292	%
    18.26000000	     0.15471078	    -0.25496706	    16.35819871	    16.41827863	    -0.36593312	%
    18.48000000	     0.14675080	    -0.25956436	    16.56744471	    16.63041638	    -0.37865361	%
    18.70000000	     0.13800907	    -0.26378186	    16.77711725	    16.84309930	    -0.39174528	%
    18.92000000	     0.12841929	    -0.26759917	    16.98722017	    17.05633577	    -0.40521951	%
    19.14000000	     0.11791055	    -0.27099524	    17.19775718	    17.27013427	    -0.41908819	%
    19.36000000	     0.10640709	    -0.27394838	    17.40873187	    17.48450337	    -0.43336377	%
    19.58000000	     0.09382795	    -0.27643619	    17.62014765	    17.69945169	    -0.44805930	%
    19.80000000	     0.08008668	    -0.27843560	    17.83200779	    17.91498795	    -0.46318848	%
    20.02000000	     0.06509105	    -0.27992276	    18.04431537	    18.13112095	    -0.47876568	%
    20.24000000	     0.04874263	    -0.28087306	    18.25707325	    18.34785956	    -0.49480604	%
    20.46000000	     0.03093648	    -0.28126108	    18.47028410	    18.56521276	    -0.51132548	%
    20.68000000	     0.01156072	    -0.28106057	    18.68395034	    18.78318960	    -0.52834084	%
    20.90000000	    -0.00950384	    -0.28024438	    18.89807413	    19.00179922	    -0.54586986	%
    21.12000000	    -0.03238418	    -0.27878447	    19.11265733	    19.22105086	    -0.56393134	%
    21.34000000	    -0.05721548	    -0.27665181	    19.32770150	    19.44095384	    -0.58254518	%
    21.56000000	    -0.08414160	    -0.27381639	    19.54320784	    19.66151759	    -0.60173251	%
    21.78000000	    -0.11331564	    -0.27024715	    19.75917717	    19.88275161	    -0.62151576	%
    22.00000000	    -0.14490038	    -0.26591192	    19.97560989	    20.10466552	    -0.64191884	%

Maintained by John Loomis, last updated 29 May 2009