Assignment 8

Read Smith chapter 11, sections 11.1 through 11.6 (p 347-361)

  1. Answer the following questions from your reading of chapter 11
    1. What Strehl ratio does Smith associate with l/8 p-v opd error?
    2. What is Smith's relationship between p-v and rms opd error for smooth and rough deformations?
    3. What is a "hexa-polar" grid and how does Smith use it?

  2. Do the four questions at the end of chapter 4 of the printed notes.

  3. Plot the Strehl approximation for both the quadratic and gaussian formulas on the same plot as a function of rms wavefront error. Over what range of wavefront error do these two formulas show acceptable agreement?

  4. The MATLAB program make_spots, found in, generates a set of transverse ray errors for a specific aberration. Find the centroid, rms spot radius, and maximum spot diameter for this set of ray errors. The spot diagram for these rays is shown below.

Maintained by John Loomis, last updated 29 Nov 2006