Computer Vision Resources

Camera Calibration Links to toolboxes (mostly MATLAB) for camera calibration.

Paul Debevec. Modeling and Rendering Architecture from Photographs.

Marc Pollefeys, Tutorial on 3D Modeling from Images,, ECCV 2000,

Available here: notes (12.1MB pdf)

Richard Szeliski NIPS 2004 Tutorial on Acquiring Detailed 3D Models From Images and Video,

Available here: slides (37.6 MB, ppt)

Peter Corke did his thesis work on visual servoing for robot applications and has authored a robotics toolkit and vision toolkit for MATLAB.

local copy of thesis: Corke thesis (4.36 MB, pdf)
robot toolkit: (12.97 MB, zip)
vision toolkit: (11.76 MB, zip)
book reference:
Peter Corke, Robotics, vision and control: fundamental algorithms in MATLAB,
Springer, c2011. ISBN 978-3-642-20143-1 [UD library electronic resource]
See also about the book

P. D. Kovesi., MATLAB Functions for Computer Vision and Image Analysis.
School of Computer Science & Software Engineering, The University of Western Australia.
Available locally as a zip archive (4.8 MB, updated 21 May 2005)

Philip Torr, among many other contributions, submitted a Structure and motion toolkit in Matlab to the MathSoft File Exhange.
Local copy here: (2.4 MB, zip).

Maintained by John Loomis, last updated 16 January 2017