Bipolar Images

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Two images of the same scene are shown below


Careful examination shows that the automobile moves slightly between the two images. Normal images (converted to gray-scale and normalized) vary from zero to one, where zero is black, one is white, and intermediate values are gray.

If these images are subtracted, the resulting values range from a minimum of −1 to a maximum of +1. Values less than zero will be displayed as black.

Contrast Stretching

If diff = g2 - g1, where g1 and g2 are the grayscale images, we can rescale the difference to the range 0 – 1 by calculating

g = (diff+1)/2

Zero-difference values are medium gray. Negative differences are darker (toward black) and positive differences lighter (toward white).

The MATLAB function bipolar_image.m does this with g = bipolar_image(diff,0).

Color coding (black background)

Here we code negative values as shades of blue, and positive values as shades of red. Black is the zero difference reference.

The MATLAB function bipolar_image.m does this with g = bipolar_image(diff,1).

Color coding (white background)

We again code negative values as shades of blue, and positive values as shades of red. Now, however, white is the zero difference reference.

The MATLAB function bipolar_image.m does this with g = bipolar_image(diff,2).

Color coding (image background)

We still code negative values as shades of blue, and positive values as shades of red. Values where abs(diff)<0.3 use the grayscale values of the first image.

The MATLAB function imdiff.m does this with g = imdiff(g1,g2).

Code Examples