Neighborhood Convolution Filters

Neighborhood Convolution Filters

Example filter

Neighborhood processing often involves mask operations. A mask array, such as shown on the left. identifies coefficients to be associated with a central pixel and its neighbors.

Other names for the mask array include template, stencil, and filter.

Convolution sum

The mask, shown on the left, is centered at the pixel z5 shown on the right. Pixels marked x do not take part in the operation.

The pixel z5 in the output image is set to the sum of the products of the elements of the mask and their associated pixels in the input image. The mask is then shifted by one pixel and the process is repeated row by row until the entire new image has been generated. This process is a called a convolution.

Example of convolution operation

Example calculation

Maintained by John Loomis, last updated June 14, 1997