MATLAB Image Processing Toolbox

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Function List

Function Categories


imhist Histogram of image datademo4
graythresh Global image threshold using Otsu's method
im2bw Convert image to binary image, based on threshold

Morphological Operations

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bwmorph Morphological operations on binary images m1
strel Create morphological structuring element (STREL)
bwareaopen Remove small objects from binary image m2
bwhitmiss	Binary hit-miss operation
bwulterode	Ultimate erosion
imbothat	Bottom-hat filtering
imclearborder	Suppress light structures connected to image border
imclose	Morphologically close image
imdilate	Dilate image
imerode	Erode image
imextendedmax	Extended-maxima transform
imextendedmin	Extended-minima transform
imfill	Fill image regions and holes
imhmax	H-maxima transform
imhmin	H-minima transform
imimposemin	Impose minima
imopen	Morphologically open image
imreconstruct	Morphological reconstruction
imregionalmax	Regional maxima
imregionalmin	Regional minima
imtophat	Top-hat filtering
watershed	Watershed transform
conndef	Create connectivity array
iptcheckconn	Check validity of connectivity argument
applylut	Neighborhood operations on binary images using lookup tables
bwlookup	Nonlinear filtering using lookup tables
makelut	Create lookup table for use with bwlookup

Connected Components

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bwconncomp Find connected components in binary image demo4
regionprops Measure properties of image regions
labelmatrix Create label matrix from bwconncomp structure
label2rgb Convert label matrix into RGB image

See also MATLAB functions:

ismember   Array elements that are members of set array

Region and Image Properties

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bwperim Find perimeter of objects in binary image m3
mean2 Average or mean of matrix elements
std2 Standard deviation of matrix elements
immse Mean-squared error info1
psnr Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR)
ssim Structural Similarity Index (SSIM) for measuring image quality
bwarea	Area of objects in binary image
bwareafilt	Extract objects from binary image by size
bwconvhull	Generate convex hull image from binary image
bwdist	Distance transform of binary image
bwdistgeodesic	Geodesic distance transform of binary image
bweuler	Euler number of binary image
bwpropfilt	Extract objects from binary image using properties
bwselect	Select objects in binary image
graydist	Gray-weighted distance transform of grayscale image
imcontour	Create contour plot of image data
impixel	Pixel color values
improfile	Pixel-value cross-sections along line segments
corr2	2-D correlation coefficient
bwlabel	Label connected components in 2-D binary image
bwlabeln	Label connected components in binary image
bwpack	Pack binary image
bwunpack	Unpack binary image

Geometric Transformations

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imresize Resize imageg1
imrotate Rotate image
imtranslate Translate image
imcrop	Crop image
impyramid	Image pyramid reduction and expansion
imwarp	Apply geometric transformation to image
fitgeotrans	Fit geometric transformation to control point pairs
imtransform	Apply 2-D spatial transformation to image
findbounds	Find output bounds for spatial transformation
fliptform	Flip input and output roles of TFORM structure
makeresampler	Create resampling structure
maketform	Create spatial transformation structure (TFORM)
tformarray	Apply spatial transformation to N-D array
tformfwd	Apply forward spatial transformation
tforminv	Apply inverse spatial transformation
checkerboard	Create checkerboard image
affine2d	2-D Affine Geometric Transformation
affine3d	3-D Affine Geometric Transformation
projective2d	2-D Projective Geometric Transformation
images.geotrans.PiecewiseLinearTransformation2D	2-D piecewise linear geometric transformation
images.geotrans.PolynomialTransformation2D	2-D Polynomial Geometric Transformation
images.geotrans.LocalWeightedMeanTransformation2D	2-D Local Weighted Mean Geometric Transformation