

close all
load filelist
npicts = length(files);


% k = [1 3 4 20]
filename = char(files{k});

[img, cmap] = imread(filename);
fprintf('range:  %d to %d\n',min(min(img)),max(max(img)));

whos img cmap

disp('color map');
           Filename: 'C:\ece563\depth\wolves.gif'
        FileModDate: '12-Apr-2012 20:00:00'
           FileSize: 8199
             Format: 'GIF'
      FormatVersion: '87a'
               Left: 1
                Top: 1
              Width: 490
             Height: 300
           BitDepth: 1
          ColorType: 'indexed'
    FormatSignature: 'GIF87a'
    BackgroundColor: 1
        AspectRatio: 0
         ColorTable: [2x3 double]
         Interlaced: 'no'

range:  0 to 1
  Name        Size              Bytes  Class     Attributes

  cmap        2x3                  48  double              
  img       300x490            147000  uint8               

color map
     0     0     0
     1     1     1


g = 0:15;
g = reshape(0:15,4,4)';
g2 = imresize(g,64,'nearest');


% [2 9 19]
k = 19;
filename = char(files{k});

[img, cmap] = imread(filename);
fprintf('range:  %d to %d\n',min(min(img)),max(max(img)));

whos img cmap

disp('color map');
           Filename: 'C:\ece563\depth\tbrawl.gif'
        FileModDate: '12-Apr-2012 20:00:00'
           FileSize: 63321
             Format: 'GIF'
      FormatVersion: '87a'
               Left: 1
                Top: 1
              Width: 640
             Height: 480
           BitDepth: 7
          ColorType: 'indexed'
    FormatSignature: 'GIF87a'
    BackgroundColor: 1
        AspectRatio: 0
         ColorTable: [128x3 double]
         Interlaced: 'no'

range:  0 to 77
  Name        Size              Bytes  Class     Attributes

  cmap      128x3                3072  double              
  img       480x640            307200  uint8               

color map
    1.0000    1.0000    1.0000
    1.0000    1.0000    0.8000
    1.0000    1.0000    0.6000
    1.0000    1.0000    0.4000
    1.0000    1.0000    0.2000
    1.0000    0.8000    0.8000
    1.0000    0.8000    0.6000
    1.0000    0.8000    0.4000
    1.0000    0.8000    0.2000
    1.0000    0.8000         0
    1.0000    0.6000    1.0000
    1.0000    0.6000    0.6000
    0.8000    0.8000    0.8000
    0.8000    0.8000    0.6000
    0.8000    0.8000    0.4000
    0.8000    0.8000    0.2000
    0.8000    0.8000         0
    0.8000    0.6000    0.6000
    0.8000    0.6000    0.4000
    0.8000    0.6000    0.2000
    0.8000    0.4000    0.2000
    0.6000    0.6000    0.8000
    0.6000    0.6000    0.6000
    0.6000    0.6000    0.4000
    0.6000    0.6000    0.2000
    0.6000    0.6000         0
    0.6000    0.4000    0.2000
    0.6000    0.4000         0
    0.4000    0.8000    0.6000
    0.4000    0.6000    1.0000
    0.4000    0.6000    0.8000
    0.4000    0.6000    0.6000
    0.4000    0.6000    0.4000
    0.4000    0.6000    0.2000
    0.4000    0.4000    0.4000
    0.4000    0.4000    0.2000
    0.4000    0.4000         0
    0.4000         0    0.4000
    0.4000         0    0.2000
    0.4000         0         0
    0.2000    0.6000    0.4000
    0.2000    0.4000         0
    0.2000    0.2000    0.2000
    0.2000    0.2000         0
    0.2000         0    0.4000
    0.2000         0    0.2000
    0.2000         0         0
         0    0.4000    0.6000
         0    0.4000    0.4000
         0    0.4000    0.2000
         0    0.4000         0
         0    0.2000    0.2000
         0    0.2000         0
         0         0    0.8000
         0         0    0.4000
         0         0    0.2000
    0.4667         0         0
    0.3333         0         0
    0.2667         0         0
    0.0667         0         0
         0    0.4667         0
         0    0.3333         0
         0    0.2667         0
         0    0.0667         0
         0         0    0.8667
         0         0    0.3333
         0         0    0.2667
         0         0    0.1333
         0         0    0.0667
    0.8667    0.8667    0.8667
    0.6667    0.6667    0.6667
    0.5333    0.5333    0.5333
    0.4667    0.4667    0.4667
    0.3333    0.3333    0.3333
    0.2667    0.2667    0.2667
    0.1333    0.1333    0.1333
    0.0667    0.0667    0.0667
         0         0         0
         0         0         0
         0         0         0
         0         0         0
         0         0         0
         0         0         0
         0         0         0
         0         0         0
         0         0         0
         0         0         0
         0         0         0
         0         0         0
         0         0         0
         0         0         0
         0         0         0
         0         0         0
         0         0         0
         0         0         0
         0         0         0
         0         0         0
         0         0         0
         0         0         0
         0         0         0
         0         0         0
         0         0         0
         0         0         0
         0         0         0
         0         0         0
         0         0         0
         0         0         0
         0         0         0
         0         0         0
         0         0         0
         0         0         0
         0         0         0
         0         0         0
         0         0         0
         0         0         0
         0         0         0
         0         0         0
         0         0         0
         0         0         0
         0         0         0
         0         0         0
         0         0         0
         0         0         0
         0         0         0
         0         0         0
         0         0         0
         0         0         0
         0         0         0


% [6 12]

k = 12;
filename = char(files{k});

[img, cmap] = imread(filename);
fprintf('range:  %d to %d\n',min(min(img)),max(max(img)));

whos img cmap

disp('color map');
                     Filename: 'C:\ece563\depth\lighthou.tif'
                  FileModDate: '21-Jan-2016 03:14:26'
                     FileSize: 78854
                       Format: 'tif'
                FormatVersion: []
                        Width: 320
                       Height: 240
                     BitDepth: 8
                    ColorType: 'grayscale'
              FormatSignature: [73 73 42 0]
                    ByteOrder: 'little-endian'
               NewSubFileType: 0
                BitsPerSample: 8
                  Compression: 'Uncompressed'
    PhotometricInterpretation: 'BlackIsZero'
                 StripOffsets: [1x240 double]
              SamplesPerPixel: 1
                 RowsPerStrip: 1
              StripByteCounts: [1x240 double]
                  XResolution: []
                  YResolution: []
               ResolutionUnit: 'Inch'
                     Colormap: []
          PlanarConfiguration: 'Chunky'
                    TileWidth: []
                   TileLength: []
                  TileOffsets: []
               TileByteCounts: []
                  Orientation: 1
                    FillOrder: 1
             GrayResponseUnit: 0.0100
               MaxSampleValue: 255
               MinSampleValue: 0
                 Thresholding: 1
                       Offset: 76808

range:  21 to 255
  Name        Size             Bytes  Class     Attributes

  cmap        0x0                  0  double              
  img       240x320            76800  uint8               

color map


This code also illustrates the use of double-percent to keep text and corresponding images together

close all
for k = [5 8 10 14]
    filename = char(files{k});

    [img, cmap] = imread(filename);
    fprintf('range:  %d to %d\n',min(min(img)),max(max(img)));
    g = reshape(uint8(0:255),16,16)';
    g = imresize(g,32,'nearest');
    rgbmap = ind2rgb(g,cmap);
           Filename: 'C:\ece563\depth\clown.gif'
        FileModDate: '19-Jan-2016 08:49:00'
           FileSize: 58787
             Format: 'GIF'
      FormatVersion: '87a'
               Left: 1
                Top: 1
              Width: 320
             Height: 240
           BitDepth: 8
          ColorType: 'indexed'
    FormatSignature: 'GIF87a'
    BackgroundColor: 1
        AspectRatio: 0
         ColorTable: [256x3 double]
         Interlaced: 'no'

range:  0 to 255
           Filename: 'C:\ece563\depth\girl2.gif'
        FileModDate: '12-Apr-2012 20:00:00'
           FileSize: 55972
             Format: 'GIF'
      FormatVersion: '87a'
               Left: 1
                Top: 1
              Width: 320
             Height: 240
           BitDepth: 8
          ColorType: 'indexed'
    FormatSignature: 'GIF87a'
    BackgroundColor: 1
        AspectRatio: 0
         ColorTable: [256x3 double]
         Interlaced: 'no'

range:  0 to 255
           Filename: 'C:\ece563\depth\gulls.gif'
        FileModDate: '12-Apr-2012 20:00:00'
           FileSize: 49966
             Format: 'GIF'
      FormatVersion: '87a'
               Left: 1
                Top: 1
              Width: 320
             Height: 240
           BitDepth: 8
          ColorType: 'indexed'
    FormatSignature: 'GIF87a'
    BackgroundColor: 1
        AspectRatio: 0
         ColorTable: [256x3 double]
         Interlaced: 'no'

range:  0 to 255
           Filename: 'C:\ece563\depth\mouse.gif'
        FileModDate: '12-Apr-2012 20:00:00'
           FileSize: 36047
             Format: 'GIF'
      FormatVersion: '87a'
               Left: 1
                Top: 1
              Width: 320
             Height: 240
           BitDepth: 8
          ColorType: 'indexed'
    FormatSignature: 'GIF87a'
    BackgroundColor: 1
        AspectRatio: 0
         ColorTable: [256x3 double]
         Interlaced: 'no'

range:  0 to 223

24-bit color

% [ 7 11 13 15 17];
close all
for k =  [ 7 11 13 15 17];
    filename = char(files{k});

    rgb = imread(filename);
           Filename: 'C:\ece563\depth\girl.jpg'
        FileModDate: '12-Apr-2012 20:00:00'
           FileSize: 9586
             Format: 'jpg'
      FormatVersion: ''
              Width: 256
             Height: 256
           BitDepth: 24
          ColorType: 'truecolor'
    FormatSignature: ''
    NumberOfSamples: 3
       CodingMethod: 'Huffman'
      CodingProcess: 'Sequential'
            Comment: {}

           Filename: 'C:\ece563\depth\lenna.jpg'
        FileModDate: '12-Apr-2012 20:00:00'
           FileSize: 37050
             Format: 'jpg'
      FormatVersion: ''
              Width: 512
             Height: 512
           BitDepth: 24
          ColorType: 'truecolor'
    FormatSignature: ''
    NumberOfSamples: 3
       CodingMethod: 'Huffman'
      CodingProcess: 'Sequential'
            Comment: {}

           Filename: 'C:\ece563\depth\mandrill.jpg'
        FileModDate: '12-Apr-2012 20:00:00'
           FileSize: 76258
             Format: 'jpg'
      FormatVersion: ''
              Width: 512
             Height: 512
           BitDepth: 24
          ColorType: 'truecolor'
    FormatSignature: ''
    NumberOfSamples: 3
       CodingMethod: 'Huffman'
      CodingProcess: 'Sequential'
            Comment: {}

           Filename: 'C:\ece563\depth\peppers.jpg'
        FileModDate: '12-Apr-2012 20:00:00'
           FileSize: 40388
             Format: 'jpg'
      FormatVersion: ''
              Width: 512
             Height: 512
           BitDepth: 24
          ColorType: 'truecolor'
    FormatSignature: ''
    NumberOfSamples: 3
       CodingMethod: 'Huffman'
      CodingProcess: 'Sequential'
            Comment: {}

              Filename: 'C:\ece563\depth\rgbt1.bmp'
           FileModDate: '12-Apr-2012 20:00:00'
              FileSize: 149094
                Format: 'bmp'
         FormatVersion: 'Version 3 (Microsoft Windows 3.x)'
                 Width: 240
                Height: 207
              BitDepth: 24
             ColorType: 'truecolor'
       FormatSignature: 'BM'
    NumColormapEntries: 0
              Colormap: []
               RedMask: []
             GreenMask: []
              BlueMask: []
       ImageDataOffset: 54
      BitmapHeaderSize: 40
             NumPlanes: 1
       CompressionType: 'none'
            BitmapSize: 149040
        HorzResolution: 0
        VertResolution: 0
         NumColorsUsed: 0
    NumImportantColors: 0
