Digital Signal Processing Assignment 11

Submit the assignment in the usual format.

  1. Do Mitra problems M 10.8 and M 10.17.

  2. Do Mitra problems 10.31, 10.34, and M 10.14

  3. Design an FIR low-pass filter with a passband ending at 800 Hz and stopband at 1200 Hz. The ripple in both passband and stopband should be no more than 0.01. Assume a sample frequency of 8000 Hz.

  4. Design a FIR band-pass filter with passband frequencies of 285 Hz to 475 Hz with ripple of 0.5 dB and stopband frequencies of 270 Hz and 490 Hz with ripple of 30 dB. Assume the signal is sampled at 11025 Hz. State the filter order and plot its magnitude response and verify graphically that it meets specifications. Compare to the IIR filter from question 9 on the last exam.

  5. Question 12 on the last exam asked you to find the autocorrelation function for a filtered white noise signal. Find the general form of the autocorrelation function for a filter with impulse response h[n].

Maintained by John Loomis, last updated 8 Nov 2005