This class captures the geometry of a 2D point or vector. We define a point as the position of the head of a vector when the tail is located at the origin.

These 2D points are represented as an array of two doubles. The member function convert handles conversion to screen coordinates (integer coordinates).

Other member functions handle vector addition and subtraction.

You can also translate a point, scale its distance from the origin, and rotate it about the origin through an angle specified in degrees. These member functions allow chained operations. For example, given a point p, you could write


// Definition of class Vec2
import java.awt.Graphics; 

*  Vec2 describes a two-dimensional point.

public class Vec2
    static double Resolution = 72;
    static int xoffset = 120;
    static int yoffset = 120;
    public double [] v; // coordinates of the Point

	// No-argument constructor
	public Vec2() { this( 0, 0 ); }

	// Constructor
	public Vec2( double x, double y )
	    v = new double[2];

	// copy constructor
	public Vec2( Vec2 src)

	// Constructor (angle theta)
	public Vec2(double theta)
	    theta *= radg;
	    v = new double[2];

	public int length() { return v.length; }

	// Set x and y coordinates of Point
	public Vec2 set( double x, double y )
		v[0] = x;
		v[1] = y;
		return this;
	public int [] convert()
	    int [] iv = new int[2];
	    return iv;

	public void convert(int [] iv)
	    iv[0] = (int) (xoffset + v[0]*Resolution);
	    iv[1] = (int) (yoffset - v[1]*Resolution);
	static public Vec2 sum(Vec2 a, Vec2 b)
	    return new Vec2(a.v[0]+b.v[0],a.v[1]+b.v[1]);
	static public Vec2 diff(Vec2 a, Vec2 b)
	    return new Vec2(a.v[0]-b.v[0],a.v[1]-b.v[1]);

	 * returns magnitude of 2D vector
	public double magn()
	    return Math.sqrt(v[0]*v[0]+v[1]*v[1]);
	// multiply point by a scalar
	public Vec2 scale(double s)
	    v[0] *= s;
	    v[1] *= s;
	    return this;
	// offset (translate) point by the amount (tx, ty)
	public Vec2 translate(double tx, double ty)
	    v[0] += tx;
	    v[1] += ty;
	    return this;

	// offset (translate) point by a Vec2
	public Vec2 translate(Vec2 b)
	    v[0] += b.v[0];
	    v[1] += b.v[1];
	    return this;

	final static double radg = Math.atan(1)/45.0;
	// rotate point about the origin
	public Vec2 rotate(double theta)
	    double c, s, t;
	    theta *= radg;
	    c = Math.cos(theta);
	    s = Math.sin(theta);
	    t = v[1]*c+v[0]*s;
	    v[0] = v[0]*c-v[1]*s;
	    v[1] = t;
	    return this;

	public Vec2 perp()
	    double t = v[0];
	    v[0] = -v[1];
	    v[1] = t;
	    return this;

	static public Vec2 perp(Vec2 a)
	    return new Vec2(-a.v[1],a.v[0]);

	static public double perpdot(Vec2 a, Vec2 b)
	    return (a.v[0]*b.v[1]-a.v[1]*b.v[0]);

	static public double dot(Vec2 a, Vec2 b)
	    return (a.v[0]*b.v[0]+a.v[1]*b.v[1]);

	static public double distance(Vec2 a, Vec2 b)
	    return Vec2.diff(a,b).magn();
	//! returns angle (in degrees) between two vectors
	static public double angle(Vec2 a, Vec2 b)
	    double c, s;
	    c = dot(a,b);
	    s = perpdot(a,b);
	    return Math.atan2(s,c)/radg;

	public void setSize(double sz)
	    double vnorm = magn();
	    if (vnorm==0.0) return;
	    sz /= vnorm;
	    v[0] *= sz;
	    v[1] *= sz;

	public void draw(Graphics g)
	    int [] iv = convert();

   // convert the point into a String representation
   public String toString()
      { return String.format("[%.3g %.3g]",v[0],v[1]); }

   static public void  main(String args[])
       Vec2 a, b, xaxis;
       a = new Vec2(0.2,0.5);
       System.out.println("a = " + a);
       int [] iv = a.convert();
       System.out.println("a.convert() = " + iv[0] + " " + iv[1]);
       System.out.println("perp(a) = " + perp(a) );
       b = new Vec2(1,0);
       xaxis = new Vec2(1,0);
       System.out.println("b = " + b + String.format(" magn %.3g at %.3g deg.",b.magn(),angle(xaxis,b)));



C:\classes\ece538\java>java Vec2
a = [0.200 0.500]
a.convert() = 134 84
perp(a) = [-0.500 0.200]
b = [1.73 1.00] magn 2.00 at 30.0 deg.

See Test2 for a test involving display characteristics of points.

Maintained by John Loomis, updated Sun Jan 28 10:51:14 2007