Assembler Results

This is the test program for our first version of a simple RISC (srisc) system patterned after Altera NIOS II.

: 30: 00800284 movi r2,10 34: 00c00384 movi r3,14 38: 1889c83a sub r4,r3,r2 3c: 018002c4 movi r6,11 40: 01c00184 movi r7,6 44: 1911883a add r8,r3,r4 48: 3a13883a add r9,r7,r8 4c: 4251c83a sub r8,r8,r9 50: 424000c4 addi r9,r8,3 54: 10c8703a and r4,r2,r3 58: 10cab03a or r5,r2,r3 5c: 10cc303a nor r6,r2,r3 60: 10cef03a xor r7,r2,r3 64: 12000fcc andi r8,r2,63 00000068 : 68: 003fff06 br 68 0000006c <__fake_init>: 6c: f800283a ret 00000070 <__start_2>: 70: 01000034 movhi r4,0

Maintained by John Loomis, last updated 15 Feb 2007