Spring 2007

14 February 2007

cifread is an object-oriented modification of a program that reads CIF files. The Caltech Intermediate Format (CIF) is used to describe VLSI layouts. See cif for more information.

gates1 is a work in progress that extends the circuit classes developed earlier to handle logic circuits. The simulator needs work!

19 February 2007

I found several interesting examples from a book by Reese. (See WebCT excerpt)

Shown here are an application of the STL complex class (numeric complex), a function evaluator (numeric function), and a string tokenizer (string tokenizer).

Simple RISC system (srisc) development, level 1. (srisc1 v1). The goal of level 1 is to simulate a Nios II processor to the extent of handling arithmetic (add and subtract) and logic operations. No branching or data memory access. Version 1 is presented here - all we do is read a binary file of machine-language instructions.


Greg Reese, C++ Standard Library Practical Tips, Charles River Media, 2006. ISBN 1-58450-400-5.

21 February 2007

netlist4 implements nodal analysis of basic electrical circuits (resistor, capacitors, inductors, and independent current and voltage sources).

bank1 is a work in progress on event-driven simulation. It explores some of the operations of a priority queue, see the event queue example.

small4.zip animates ellipical motion and provides a C++ version of the arrow class.

4 April 2007

Horstmann chapter 2

Horstmann Violet UML Editor

Horstmann chapter 4

Horstmann chapter 5

Horstmann chapter 6

Examples 123,  and 4 of the Graph Layout demonstration applet packages with the Java SDK.

26 April 2007

Horstmann Graph Editor (chapter 8)

Maintained by John Loomis, last updated 2 February 2018