Streams and File Descriptors

When you want to do input or output to a file, you have a choice of two basic mechanisms for representing the connection between your program and the file: file descriptors and streams. File descriptors are represented as objects of type int, while streams are represented as FILE * objects.

File descriptors provide a primitive, low-level interface to input and output operations. Both file descriptors and streams can represent a connection to a device (such as a terminal), or a pipe or socket for communicating with another process, as well as a normal file. But, if you want to do control operations that are specific to a particular kind of device, you must use a file descriptor; there are no facilities to use streams in this way. You must also use file descriptors if your program needs to do input or output in special modes, such as nonblocking (or polled) input (see File Status Flags).

Streams provide a higher-level interface, layered on top of the primitive file descriptor facilities. The stream interface treats all kinds of files pretty much alike—the sole exception being the three styles of buffering that you can choose (see Stream Buffering).

The main advantage of using the stream interface is that the set of functions for performing actual input and output operations (as opposed to control operations) on streams is much richer and more powerful than the corresponding facilities for file descriptors. The file descriptor interface provides only simple functions for transferring blocks of characters, but the stream interface also provides powerful formatted input and output functions (printf and scanf) as well as functions for character- and line-oriented input and output.

Since streams are implemented in terms of file descriptors, you can extract the file descriptor from a stream and perform low-level operations directly on the file descriptor. You can also initially open a connection as a file descriptor and then make a stream associated with that file descriptor.

In general, you should stick with using streams rather than file descriptors, unless there is some specific operation you want to do that can only be done on a file descriptor. If you are a beginning programmer and aren't sure what functions to use, we suggest that you concentrate on the formatted input functions (see Formatted Input) and formatted output functions (see Formatted Output).

If you are concerned about portability of your programs to systems other than GNU, you should also be aware that file descriptors are not as portable as streams. You can expect any system running ISO C to support streams, but non-GNU systems may not support file descriptors at all, or may only implement a subset of the GNU functions that operate on file descriptors. Most of the file descriptor functions in the GNU library are included in the POSIX.1 standard, however.

Low-Level Input/Output

There are many functions for performing low-level input/output operations on file descriptors. These functions are described in Low-Level I/O. They include functions for performing low-level control operations for which there are no equivalents on streams.

Stream-level I/O is more flexible and usually more convenient; therefore, programmers generally use the descriptor-level functions only when necessary. These are some of the usual reasons:


For historical reasons, the type of the C data structure that represents a stream is called FILE rather than “stream”. Since most of the library functions deal with objects of type FILE *, sometimes the term file pointer is also used to mean “stream”. This leads to unfortunate confusion over terminology in many books on C. This manual, however, is careful to use the terms “file” and “stream” only in the technical sense. The FILE type is declared in the header file stdio.h.

— Data Type: FILE

This is the data type used to represent stream objects. A FILE object holds all of the internal state information about the connection to the associated file, including such things as the file position indicator and buffering information. Each stream also has error and end-of-file status indicators that can be tested with the ferror and feof functions; see EOF and Errors.

FILE objects are allocated and managed internally by the input/output library functions. Don't try to create your own objects of type FILE; let the library do it. Your programs should deal only with pointers to these objects (that is, FILE * values) rather than the objects themselves.

Stream vs. Low-Level Input/Output

The following table compares some of the aspects and functions of low-level and stream input/output.

File IDint FILE *
open/closeopen, closefopen, fclose
block read/writeread, writefread, fwrite
set file positionlseekfseek
flush buffers N/A fflush
device controlioctl N/A
file informationfstat N/A

Each file stream is associated with a low-level file descriptor. You can mix low-level input and output operations with high-level stream operations, but this is generally unwise, as the effects of buffering can be difficult to detect.

#include <stdio.h>

int fileno(FILE *stream);
FILE *fdopen(int filedes, const char *mode);

The fileno function returns the file descriptor for a given stream, or -1 on failure. This function can be useful if you need low-level access to an open stream, for example, to call fstat on it.

We can create a new file stream based on an already-opened file descriptor by calling the fdopen function. Essentially, this function provides stream buffers around an already-open file. The mode parameter string is the same as that used by fopen and must be compatible with those established for the already-open file.


Streams and File Descriptors (from the GNU C Library Reference Manual).

Input/Output Overview (from the GNU C Library Reference Manual).

Neil Matthew and Richard Stone, Beginning Linux Programming, Third Edition,
Wrox, 2004. ISBN 0-7645-4497-7. p 91-134.

W. Richard Stevens and Stephen A. Rago, Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment, Second Edition, Addison Wesley, 2005. ISBN 0-201-43307-9.

Maintained by John Loomis, last updated 4 September 2006