
		# prog2.s		
		# program to demonstrate RiSC-16 core		
		# (uses all opcodes)		
0	a411		lw	r1, r0, arg1
1	ac10		lw	r3, r0, count
2	1000		add	r4, r0, r0
3	aa12	loop:	lw	r2, r4, arg2
4	7c00		movi	r7, sub
5	3f8c			
6	ff80		jalr	r7, r7
7	2dff		addi	r3, r3, -1
8	3201		addi	r4, r4, 1
9	cc79		bne	r3, 0, loop
A	8417	exit:	sw	r1, r0, diff
B	e071		halt	
		# subtract function		
C	4902	sub:	nand	r2, r2, r2
D	2901		addi	r2, r2, 1
E	482		add	r1, r1, r2
F	e380		jalr	r0, r7
		# data:		
		# count is the number of items to subtract from arg1		
		# (in this case, 3: arg2 and two beyond it)		
		# diff is where the result is placed		
10	3	count:	.fill	3
11	211c	arg1:	.fill	8476
12	2	arg2:	.fill	2
13	3		.fill	3
14	4		.fill	4
15	1		.fill	1
16	159		.fill	345
17	0	diff:	.fill	0
18	0		.space	8

Maintained by John Loomis, last updated 14 April 2010