
Convert vector into sound




sound(y,Fs) sends the signal in vector y (with sample frequency Fs) to the speaker on PC and most UNIX platforms. Values in y are assumed to be in the range . Values outside that range are clipped. Stereo sound is played on platforms that support it when y is an n-by-2 matrix. The values in column 1 are assigned to the left channel, and those in column 2 to the right.

sound(y) plays the sound at the default sample rate or 8192 Hz.

sound(y,Fs,bits) plays the sound using bits number of bits/sample, if possible. Most platforms support bits = 8 or bits = 16.


MATLAB supports all Windows-compatible sound devices. Additional sound acquisition and generation capability is available in the Data Acquisition Toolbox. The toolbox functionality includes the ability to buffer the acquisition so that you can analyze the data as it is being acquired. See the examples on MATLAB sound acquisition and sound generation.

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