
#include "nios2.h"
#include "system.h"

/* Setup header files to work with assembler code. */
#define ALT_ASM_SRC

/* Debug logging facility */
#include "sys/alt_log_printf.h"

|                                MACROS                                   |

 * The new build tools explicitly define macros when alt_load()
 * must be called.  The define ALT_LOAD_EXPLICITLY_CONTROLLED tells us that
 * those macros are controlling if alt_load() needs to be called.

/* Need to call alt_load() if any of these sections are being copied. */


 * The legacy build tools use the following macros to detect when alt_load()
 * needs to be called.

#define __ALT_LOAD_SECTIONS(res, text, rodata, exc) \
  ((res##_BASE != rodata##_BASE) ||                 \
   (res##_BASE != rwdata##_BASE) ||                 \
   (res##_BASE != exc##_BASE))

#define _ALT_LOAD_SECTIONS(res, text, rodata, exc) \
    __ALT_LOAD_SECTIONS(res, text, rodata, exc)

                                             ALT_RODATA_DEVICE, \
                                             ALT_RWDATA_DEVICE, \
/* Call alt_load() if there is no bootloader and ALT_LOAD_SECTIONS isn't 0. */


 * When the legacy build tools define a macro called ALT_NO_BOOTLOADER,
 * it indicates that initialization code is allowed at the reset address.
 * The new build tools define a macro called ALT_ALLOW_CODE_AT_RESET for
 * the same purpose.

|                         EXTERNAL REFERENCES                             |

 * The entry point for user code is either "main" in hosted mode, or
 * "alt_main" in standalone mode. These are explicitly referenced here,
 * to ensure they are built into the executable. This allows the user
 * to build them into libraries, rather than supplying them in object
 * files at link time.
    .globl main
    .globl alt_main

 * Create a reference to the software multiply/divide and trap handers,
 * so that if they are provided, they will appear in the executable.
    .globl alt_exception_muldiv
    .globl alt_exception_trap

 * Linker defined symbols used to initialize bss.
.globl __bss_start
.globl __bss_end

|                         RESET SECTION (.entry)                          |

 * This is the reset entry point for Nios II. 
 * At reset, only the cache line which contain the reset vector is
 * initialized by the hardware. The code within the first cache line
 * initializes the remainder of the instruction cache. 

    .section .entry, "xa"
    .align 5

 * Explicitly allow the use of r1 (the assembler temporary register)
 * within this code. This register is normally reserved for the use of
 * the assembler.
    .set noat

 * Some tools want to know where the reset vector is.
 * Code isn't always provided at the reset vector but at least the
 * __reset label always contains the reset vector address because
 * it is defined at the start of the .entry section.

    .globl __reset
    .type __reset, @function

 * Initialize the instruction cache if present (i.e. size > 0) and
 * reset code is allowed unless optimizing for RTL simulation.
 * RTL simulations can ensure the instruction cache is already initialized
 * so skipping this loop speeds up RTL simulation.

    /* Assume the instruction cache size is always a power of two. */
#if NIOS2_ICACHE_SIZE > 0x8000
    movhi r2, %hi(NIOS2_ICACHE_SIZE)
    movui r2, NIOS2_ICACHE_SIZE

    initi r2
    addi r2, r2, -NIOS2_ICACHE_LINE_SIZE
    bgt r2, zero, 0b

     * The following debug information tells the ISS not to run the loop above
     * but to perform its actions using faster internal code.
    .pushsection .debug_alt_sim_info
    .int 1, 1, 0b, 1b
#endif /* Initialize Instruction Cache */

 * Jump to the _start entry point in the .text section if reset code
 * is allowed or if optimizing for RTL simulation.
    /* Jump to the _start entry point in the .text section. */
    movhi r1, %hi(_start)
    ori r1, r1, %lo(_start)
    jmp r1

    .size __reset, . - __reset
#endif /* Jump to _start */

 * When not using exit, provide an _exit symbol to prevent unresolved
 * references to _exit from the linker script.
#ifdef ALT_NO_EXIT
    .globl _exit

|                          TEXT SECTION (.text)                           |

 * Start of the .text section, and also the code entry point when
 * the code is executed by a bootloader rather than directly from reset.
    .section .text
    .align 2

    .globl _start
    .type _start, @function

 * Initialize the data cache if present (i.e. size > 0) and not
 * optimizing for RTL simulation.
 * RTL simulations can ensure the data cache is already initialized
 * so skipping this loop speeds up RTL simulation.


    /* Assume the data cache size is always a power of two. */
#if NIOS2_DCACHE_SIZE > 0x8000
    movhi r2, %hi(NIOS2_DCACHE_SIZE)
    movui r2, NIOS2_DCACHE_SIZE

    initd 0(r2)
    addi r2, r2, -NIOS2_DCACHE_LINE_SIZE
    bgt r2, zero, 0b

     * The following debug information tells the ISS not to run the loop above
     * but to perform its actions using faster internal code.
    .pushsection .debug_alt_sim_info
    .int 2, 1, 0b, 1b

#endif /* Initialize Data Cache */

    /* Log that caches have been initialized. */

    /* Log that the stack pointer is about to be setup. */
     * Now that the caches are initialized, set up the stack pointer. 
     * The value provided by the linker is assumed to be correctly aligned. 
    movhi sp, %hi(__alt_stack_pointer)
    ori sp, sp, %lo(__alt_stack_pointer)

    /* Set up the global pointer. */
    movhi gp, %hi(_gp)
    ori gp, gp, %lo(_gp)

 * Clear the BSS if not optimizing for RTL simulation.
 * This uses the symbols: __bss_start and __bss_end, which are defined 
 * by the linker script. They mark the begining and the end of the bss 
 * region. The linker script guarantees that these values are word aligned. 
    /* Log that the BSS is about to be cleared. */

    movhi r2, %hi(__bss_start)
    ori r2, r2, %lo(__bss_start)

    movhi r3, %hi(__bss_end)
    ori r3, r3, %lo(__bss_end)

    beq r2, r3, 1f 

    stw zero, (r2)
    addi r2, r2, 4
    bltu r2, r3, 0b


     * The following debug information tells the ISS not to run the loop above
     * but to perform its actions using faster internal code.
    .pushsection .debug_alt_sim_info
    .int 3, 1, 0b, 1b
#endif /* ALT_SIM_OPTIMIZE */

 * The alt_load() facility is normally used when there is no bootloader.
 * It copies some sections into RAM so it acts like a mini-bootloader.

     * If the user has selected stack checking then we need to set up a safe
     * value in the stack limit register so that the relocation functions
     * don't think the stack has overflowed (the contents of the rwdata
     * section aren't defined until alt_load() has been called).
    mov   et, zero

    call alt_load

#endif /* CALL_ALT_LOAD */

     * Set up the stack limit (if required).  The linker has set up the
     * copy of the variable which is in memory.

    ldw   et, %gprel(alt_stack_limit_value)(gp)

    /* Log that alt_main is about to be called. */
    /* Call the C entry point. It should never return. */
    call alt_main

    /* Wait in infinite loop in case alt_main does return. */
    br alt_after_alt_main

    .size _start, . - _start

 * Add information about the stack base if stack overflow checking is enabled.
    .globl  alt_stack_limit_value
    .section .sdata,"aws",@progbits
    .align  2
    .type   alt_stack_limit_value, @object
    .size   alt_stack_limit_value, 4
    .long   __alt_stack_limit

Maintained by John Loomis, last updated 13 November 2008